What does the research say? Spondylolysis in competitive weight lifters. The effect of high intensity resistance training on peak upper and lower body power among collegiate football players. Full negative training is thought to be much more intense than standard strength training causing a deeper inroad into the body’s limited recuperative resources necessitating longer recovery times. 15) Little, J. (1990). Click on image for larger view After all, the muscle magazines and the champions espousing these claims can’t be wrong can they? refers to the one set to failure type training program promoted as the most effective and scientifically based strength training program by such research scientists as Arthur Jones, Ellington Darden, and Matt Brzycki and by famous bodybuilder Mike Mentzer. Mike Mentzer was aware of this and HEAVY DUTY calls for the regulation of volume, frequency, and intensity of training based on each person’s innate response to exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(5), Supplement abstract 1819. 2) Fincher, G. E. (2000). This style of training stagnated his growth, but today you will see many guys and gals all over the gym taking this approach. Also, remember that the frequency of training can change as you get older, the intensity of your training goes up (which could be related to you getting stronger [more muscle mass being recruited] or adding intensity variables), or any other number of innate or external influences. This study backed up the findings from the previously cited study (McLester, J. R., Bishop, P, Smith, J., Dale, B., & Kozusko, J., 2001) showing that the optimal recovery interval between hard training sessions is much longer than previously thought and that people recover at different rates, some taking much longer than others. 18) Newman, D.J., Jones, D.A., & Clarkson, P.M., (1987). LSM smelting mine. Training leading to repetition failure enhances bench press strength gains in elite junior athletes. USA: McGraw-Hill. 4) Fincher, G. E. (2001). Full negative training is thought to be much more intense than standard strength training causing a deeper inroad into the body’s limited recuperative resources necessitating longer recovery times. HEAVY DUTY training calls for the execution of each repetition in a slow controlled manner. Effects of accentuated eccentric resistance training on concentric knee extensor strength. So what is HIT Training? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(5), Supplement abstract 1819. Add weight as often as possible, while keeping form perfect. 24) Fleck S.J., & Kraemer W.J. 22) Rooney K.J., Herbert R.D., & Balnave R.J. (1994). Yury Vlasov – is He The World’s Strongest Man? Isometric torso rotation strength: Effect of training frequency on its development. I would have loved to see where we would have wound up had he stayed around longer. Research has also found that lifting at slow speeds, or with minimal movement (isometric training), results in greater strength and muscle mass gains than standard lifting techniques or even other high-intensity techniques (Westcott, W. L., Winett, R. A., Anderson, E. S., Wojcik, J. R., Loud, R. L., Cleggett, E., & Glover, S., 2001; Little, 2006). Sports Medicine 26: 73-84. Medical Device Sales 101: Masterclass + ADDITIONAL CONTENT. Considering the lack of science-based knowledge, supplements and the variety of elaborate training techniques we have today, that win was a huge accomplishment that launched Mike’s future career. This is not to say that there has not been research to back multiple sets, but in many cases, the research has been poorly run or had confounding variables that brought the results under scrutiny (Journal of Exercise Physiology online, 2004). Can I see full letter? When one of my training clients made a habit of complaining about her calves being too high, her biceps being too short, her … Biomechanists have found that the only time a muscle builds maximum contractile force is at zero velocity (Hamill & Knutzen, 1995). (1987). Then they moved on to shoulders, with Yates performing one set to failure on the Nautilus lateral raise machine followed by one set to failure … 11) Highland, R.H., Vie, L. L., Dreisinger, T. E., Russell, G. S. (1992). After a sufficient warmup do 1 set of squats with a weight that allows you six reps, then out of sheer effort perform two more. HIT Training and volume Mike Mentzer believed that one set to failure per exercise was more than enough to stimulate a response from the muscles, any more than that would simply be wasting unnecessary effort and could be considered counterproductive which would constitute overtraining. Drinkwater et al. To this day Mentzer is known as having one of the most complete and fully developed physiques ever to grace the bodybuilding stages, with levels of muscularity and density that rival many of our overly-juiced modern day competitors. A study carried out at Nautilus North in Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada found that although it took the average trainee seven days to recover and grow from a single session of high intensity exercise some participants required nine to eleven days to recover and grow from one training session (Little, 2006). We are collecting old training courses & books and presenting some pieces here. High Intensity Training instructional video by Mike Mentzer, legendary IFBB bodybuilder. 8) Graves, J.E., Pollock, M.L., Foster, D., Leggett, S.H., Carpenter, D.M., Vuoso R., Jones, A. (1991). 14) McLester, J. R., Bishop, P, Smith, J., Dale, B., & Kozusko, J. That was it for Yates' chest: two sets'or roughly two minutes' worth of direct chest work. The foundation of the HEAVY DUTY™ training system is to train intensely, slowly, and with good form, while keeping the volume of training low, which means doing no more than one set per exercise. 6) Journal of Exercise Physiology online 7, no. Likes: 1. The recovery rate or period of time between training bouts is highly personalized, meaning you should not let gym dogma and custom dictate your training program. After all, the muscle magazines and the champions espousing these claims can’t be wrong can they? Mike Mentzer, Mr. America, Mr Universe (with perfect score) was an extremely talented, massive and yes, intelligent bodybuilder. Can I get a copy of those letters, please? (2006). Having trained on Mike Mentzer’s Heavy Duty 1 Routine (find that book on Mike’s site as well) for 2 years before losing my mind and training on the more popular 3 day on/one day off routine for 5 or 6 years, it was a blessing to get back to the lower volume and ultra-high intensity type of routine*** Another factor affecting the amount of force production produced by the muscles contractile components (muscle fiber) and therefore, the intensity of each exercise, is the rate of speed with which the weight is actually lifted. Howell, Chleboun, and Conaster, (1993) found that recovery following a single bout of three sets of full negative training for the biceps muscles required over 6 weeks! (1998). How Effective Is Rest Pause Training? 20) Goddard, M.P., Wygand, J.W., Carpinelli, R.N., Catalano, S., & Otto, R.M. Much research has been done over the last several decades in the realm of strength training. Here are some clips from Mike Mentzer’s Hit Training video: Sadly, Mike Mentzer passed away in 2001, but his legacy and training philosophies live on through Markus. Journal of Sports Medicine, 15, 624-625. "In 1975, he started attending the University of Maryland as a pre-med student where his hours away … For heavy compound movements, I would do three warm-up sets. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(5), Supplement abstract 435. Meet Heavy Duty, a training system created by Mike Mentzer, which prioritizes a low volume of training and high intensity. Further research has found that lifting at high velocities (explosive lifting) did not result in higher levels of muscle fiber recruitment (Burhle, Schmidtbleicher, and Russel, 1983), but can precipitate the onset of spondylosis as well as expedite bone and joint damage (Dangles & Spencer, 1987). Post #704511 + Post New Thread. . https://www.ironmanmagazine.com/heavy-duty-mike-mentzers-most-productive-routine/ Mike took the whole approach even further. In contrast to the popular high volume training, Mentzer preached that it would be more effective to just do 1-2 working sets per muscle after a couple of warm-up sets. (1998). As one of the main premises of HEAVY DUTY™ is the tightly regulated use of set volume, HEAVY DUTY™ is backed by science. Single set training did Mike's body great in the 70s Mike Mentzer was a pro bodybuilder throughout the 1970s. The final years of the Rhodesian War. So that’s how I developed my one-set strategy. Author and bodybuilder Mike Mentzer, in his book "Heavy Duty," states it is not the volume of exercise that triggers increases in strength and muscle size but the intensity of the workout. 3) Hass, C. J., Garzarella, L, de Hoyos, D., & Pollock, M. L. (2000). (1995). One of his most recent books, Fat Loss Break Through, had a group of men and women doing 90 second reps (ONE SET PER BODY PART) and had them train once every 5 to seven days–and they achieved astounding results. 25) Hamill, J., & Knutzen, K.M. Living as if all was normal while knowing your "side" was losing . Training with Mike Mentzer. that article talks about progressive overload and importance of compound exercises btw by more volume he means more sets like 3 work sets or 1 work set with backoff sets also what Mike Mentzer promoted was training to failure not to progress. Mike Mentzer espoused doing just 1 hard set to failure of 1-2 exercises per bodypart every 10 days or so. He says that at the time he won, his total weekly workout time was under 2.5 hours. By making that set a super dynamic one. It is not merely a linear increase of one unit; it represents a 100 percent increase in the volume of exercise; which is a negative factor. You will note this routine is nothing like what Mike advocated later in his career. By the way if you want to see the whole letter, then write a message at the comment section below. 26) Burhle, M., Schmidtbleicher, D., & Russel, H. (1983). In addition to recommending that the smallest possible number of sets be performed, another essential tenet of this … Journal of Physiology, 63, 1381-1386. Mike Mentzer’s REAL Training WisdomsOn my website neckberg.com nothing is ghost written or made up. Don’t think that you can make up for performing the sets haphazardly by doing more. As a case in point, the above cited research involving concentric/eccentric training noted a 100% or greater increase in strength over 10 weeks, whereas a review of 12 other studies employing less intense but more frequent modalities of strength training noted only a 7% to 71% increase in strength over a period of time ranging from 8 to 24 weeks of training (Fleck & Kraemer, 1987). Changes in Isometric Strength and range of Motion of the Isolated Cervical Spine After Eight Weeks of Clinical Rehabilitation. We are providing training information from the 19th century (aka pre steroid era) till today. Biomechanists have found that the only time a muscle builds maximum contractile force is at zero velocity (Hamill & Knutzen, 1995). References: (2005). It’s the pure truth how the oldtimers trained. 3) Hass, C. J., Garzarella, L, de Hoyos, D., & Pollock, M. L. (2000). His last contest was the … . The word “intensity” may have been written numerous times. The Benefits Of Beltless Training & Why Coaches Recommend It https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mdU28X5Vv4 Jason Blaha discusses the history of one set … (2006). Effects of accentuated eccentric resistance training on concentric knee extensor strength. Muscle stiffness, strength loss, swelling, and soreness following exercise induced injury in humans. It covers both the Mentzer Method (basic weight training) and more serious bodybuilding. It seems logical regarding spurring the body to grow to protect itself. Further research into the effects of multiple sets of extremely intense negative contractions noted similar decreases in strength following the training session with the corresponding exaggerated recuperative times (Jones, Newman, Round, and Tolfree, 1986; Newman, Jones, and Clarkson, 1987; and Ploutz-Snyder, Tesch, and Dudley, 1998). Get Free Training Routine Of Mike Mentzer now and use Training Routine Of Mike Mentzer immediately to get % off or $ off or free shipping. Mentzer believed in training all-out with incredibly low volume, then recovering – sometimes taking as long as ten days before training a muscle again. I must have been 16ish or so. Spine, 17(68). I want to try it (after 20 years of too long workouts). Effect of single versus multiple-set resistance training on muscular strength. He also realized that the strength training process is tri-phasic in nature, meaning you must first stimulate the muscle to grow, then you must recover from the training bout, which can take anywhere from 24 to 264 hours or more to accomplish, and only then can your body actually strengthen and grow from the training session. (2001). Media, PA: Williams & Wilkins. Single versus multiple sets in long-term recreational weightlifters. So in 1999 I hired Mike Mentzer for a series of phone consultations. 24) Fleck S.J., & Kraemer W.J. Effect of single versus multiple-set resistance training on muscular strength. From the overwhelming amount of research, Mike Mentzer and his HEAVY DUTY™ style of high-intensity exercise established safe effective guidelines for those seeking a stronger, more muscular, fit body. The thing with Mike is he is VERY convincing of his ways … The effect of high intensity resistance training on sustained anaerobic power output among collegiate football players. © Copyright 2011 – SHANE PROVSTGAARD – What does the research say? That was it for Yates' chest: two sets'or roughly two minutes' worth of direct chest work. Training once per week with one set also resulted in impressive gains in muscular strength for the cervical spine (Highland, R.H., Vie, L. L., Dreisinger, T. E., Russell, G. S., 1992). 10) DeMichele, P.L., Pollock, M.L., Graves, J.E., Foster, D.N., Carpenter, D.M., Garzarella, L., Brechue, W., & Fulton, M. (1997). My size of course increased also. Keep in mind that was one total set of exercise per workout twice per week. and Otto R. M. (1998). Using a spotter, often his younger brother Ray, Mike would go on to perform 2-3 forced reps, as … The rep protocol should be … (1987). with as much weight that allows good form perform two sets with each arm emphasizing a high row with the dumbbell hitting the pec or higher. Don’t get much more than 1 gram of protein for every two pounds of bodyweight. June 14, 2020 ; No Comments ; Ok, so I posted a “Bro split VS Full body blog yesterday. Is there any research that supports the need of training to failure, of doing only one set per exercise, of backing off the frequency of training in accordance to the intensity of the muscular contraction? Biomechanical basis of human movement. Judging from the aforementioned research, multiple sets even for different body parts would likely add to the time necessary for full recuperation from the training session, as the added volume would cause deeper inroads with each successive set. Mentzer's early 1990 Heavy Duty Training program involved 7-9 sets per workout on a three-day-per-week schedule. Biomechanical basis of human movement. Go to Mike Mentzer DVD _____ Fitness Tips For 3/2/2016 _____ Results with just One Set? Sometimes he trained Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Spine, 17(68). Mike Mentzer was a staunch advocate of doing not less, not more, but the precise amount of strength training needed to elicit the maximum physiological response. Ocala, FL: Med-X. Ocala, FL: Med-X. Employ forced reps when possible. Advanced Max Contraction Training. Mike Mentzer believed that the greater the volume of sets in a workout, the longer it would take just to recover from the exercise leaving less of the body’s resources for growth. Research has also found that lifting at slow speeds, or with minimal movement (isometric training), results in greater strength and muscle mass gains than standard lifting techniques or even other high-intensity techniques (Westcott, W. L., Winett, R. A., Anderson, E. S., Wojcik, J. R., Loud, R. L., Cleggett, E., & Glover, S., 2001; Little, 2006). Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 79, 58-61. Physical Therapy, 71(8), 580-588. Changes in Isometric Strength and range of Motion of the Isolated Cervical Spine After Eight Weeks of Clinical Rehabilitation. This way of training brought him an … Howell, Chleboun, and Conaster, (1993) found that recovery following a single bout of three sets of full negative training for the biceps muscles required over 6 weeks! Archives of Physical Medicine and rehabilitation, 78, 64-69. More is never the answer to stimulating growth, harder is the answer and the harder you train the less will you be capable of doing. So how did they do it? Drinkwater et al. In contrast to the popular high volume training, Mentzer preached that it would be more effective to just do 1-2 working sets per muscle after a couple of warm-up sets. High-Intensity Training the Mike Mentzer Way was Mentzer's final work. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 32, 235-242. This article is dedicated to the memory of Mike Mentzer, whether right or wrong he sure made us think. Archives of Physical Medicine and rehabilitation, 78, 64-69. Mentzer adopted the HIT philosophy of Arthur Jones and expanded it into his own radical system, named Heavy Duty. For rates and information, contact Joanne Sharkey at (310) 316-4519 or at www.MikeMentzer.com , or see the ad on the opposite page. Full negative training is one such form of advanced HEAVY DUTY training, and the research regarding its use has shown that extended periods of recovery are necessitated following its use. The program is reported to be one Mike actually followed to a "T". Repeated high-force eccentric exercise: Effects on muscle pain and damage. Remember, as per Mentzer, that training before you have recovered fully will not allow you to actualize the growth production stimulated from your training routine. Strength training: Single versus multiple sets. My size of course increased also. Some of the readers may be old enough to remember the preachings of the late Ayn Rand-obsessed Mike Mentzer and his Heavy Duty Training (HDT) philosophy, or perhaps HIT Training espoused by Stuart McRobert who wrote the book Brawn. 6) Journal of Exercise Physiology online 7, no. 23) E.J. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 12(1), 26-29. Effect of training volume on recovery from resistance exercise. Die specielle diagnose der einzelnen fraftkomponenten im hockleistungssport. six reps then force out two more and use forced and negative reps after the initial six reps. In study after study, one set of exercise taken to momentary concentric failure has been shown to be as productive or more productive than training with multiple sets of the same exercise (Carpinelli and Otto, 1998; Ostrowski, K.J., et al., 1997; Fincher G. E., 2000; Hass, C. J., Garzarella, L, de Hoyos, D., & Pollock, M. L., 2000; Fincher, G. E., 2001; Wolfe, B. L., Vaerio, T. A, Strohecker, K., & Szmedra, L., 2001; Journal of Exercise Physiology online, 2004). The recovery rate or period of time between training bouts is highly personalized, meaning you should not let gym dogma and custom dictate your training program. (1991). Other times he did two days on and one day off, two days on and two days off, for example Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Thanks. I first got interested in bodybuilding back in 1978, at that time Mike Mentzer was rocketing up the bodybuilding ranks. Fatigue contributes to the strength training stimulus. Mitchell Costilow AD,BS,BSN,M.Ed.,PhD. Research carried out by the MedX Corporation on quadriceps training via a leg extension machine showed a 60% to 80% increase in quadriceps strength with training frequencies of once per week or less (Jones; … 21) Bigland-Ritchie, B., Furbush, F., & Woods, J.J. (1986). Journal of Physiology, 63, 1381-1386. To this day, Markus continues to implement HIT training in both his own workouts and the workouts of his clients. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 79, 58-61. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. 8) Graves, J.E., Pollock, M.L., Foster, D., Leggett, S.H., Carpenter, D.M., Vuoso R., Jones, A. 21) Bigland-Ritchie, B., Furbush, F., & Woods, J.J. (1986). The muscular rotators of the hip area have shown similar strength gains when training at 2 days per week as opposed to 3 days per week (DeMichele et al., 1997). Journal of Applied Physiology, 61, 421-429. Amazon.in - Buy High-Intensity Training the Mike Mentzer Way book online at best prices in India on Amazon.in. (2005). 2) Fincher, G. E. (2000). Another study employing a single set of concentric/eccentric (negative) or concentric/ accentuated eccentric (negative) training for the knee extensors found that two sessions per week for 10 weeks resulted in roughly a 100% improvement in strength (Godard, Wygand, Carpinelli, Catalano, and Otto, 1998). Mike has never, ever trained like this in his entire life. 4) Fincher, G. E. (2001). Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(5), Supplement abstract 435. Increased vulnerability to eccentric-induced dysfunction and muscle injury after concentric training. M-Chem … Mike Mentzer. In one sense, from one perspective, all healthy enough to engage in bodybuilding activity at all, to any degree, are "blessed." While the opinions - either for or against - run deep, what can be said of the science that backs High-Intensity Training? Another study employing a single set of concentric/eccentric (negative) or concentric/ accentuated eccentric (negative) training for the knee extensors found that two sessions per week for 10 weeks resulted in roughly a 100% improvement in strength (Godard, Wygand, Carpinelli, Catalano, and Otto, 1998). I have followed Mikes routine since May (The Mike Mentzer way) not following the diet as I was 272 I have dropped to 202! You should not get caught up in training a certain number of days per week, but instead should be tracking your strength gains with a log book and adjust your frequency of training until strength gains are noted on the exercises you are performing. Mentzer did of course fill his bodybuilding routine in his early days with high volume training, incorporating as much as 40 sets per bodypart. Tues. and Fri. (back, traps, delts, biceps). Peak upper and lower body power among collegiate football players the true one 'working set ' of Stage … the! 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