h EMC ( )Tj /Article <>BDC 602.774 448.583 l 601.236 683.738 l f 0 -1.201 TD )Tj 0000057844 00000 n
EMC Q 11.533 471.028 l 11.533 566.369 l 8.457 612.5 m 7.688 427.987 l W* n 603.543 246.584 l 602.774 220.443 l 0 -1.1 TD 601.236 548.153 l 604.312 420.905 l 9.226 142.258 l endstream
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0 -1.201 TD /TT1 1 Tf h -20.594 -1.202 Td However, we make)Tj 604.312 496.4 m 0.801 0.801 0.801 rg 9.226 555.972 l )Tj 7.688 218.906 m ( )Tj ET 10.7638 0 0 10.7638 7.6884 107.526 Tm 363.873 638.64 l f 363.104 652.864 l ( This material does not contain any Class 1 Ozone depletors. 7.688 384.976 l (Not available. 121.524 443.024 l q W* n 9.226 568.675 l 11.533 53.777 l h 604.312 741.311 l 602.774 51.471 l (MSDS contains all of the information required by those regulations. W* n Consult a physician. /TT0 1 Tf 8.457 639.409 m /TT1 1 Tf 9.9358 0 0 9.9358 7.6884 656.8288 Tm (Odor:)Tj ( )Tj f 363.104 625.954 l ( )Tj 604.312 554.525 l /TT1 1 Tf 122.292 430.338 l f q 0.313 0.313 0.313 rg Q ( CAS# 77-09-8 is listed on Canada's DSL List. 122.666 625.954 l ( )Tj /TT0 1 Tf 2007-07-25T12:42:35-04:00 0 0 0 rg (General Information:)Tj 377.41 429.569 l f 0 18 612 756 re 454.003 245.815 l 602.774 233.898 l q :����M�L~�¨=�^�>Eq;�Mhz��7!�z%��42#����4 ݊���h/z[pw�;��-y�Ȋr�O���%ϰ����gh 8.2799 0 0 8.2799 7.6884 483.8251 Tm /TT1 1 Tf 455.54 232.36 l f f BT 0 -1.201 TD 7.688 554.525 m f 602.774 443.793 l 600.467 329.207 l
)Tj /TT1 1 Tf 9.9358 0 0 9.9358 7.6884 38.802 Tm 363.873 638.64 l 600.467 424.749 l 7.688 57.798 l ET 603.543 652.864 l f h h 602.774 638.64 l 7.688 545.078 m If breathing is difficult, give )Tj f ( No information found )Tj 10.764 571.219 m ( Wash thoroughly after handling. )Tj 10.764 166.861 m /TT1 1 Tf /TT0 1 Tf Use a )Tj 378.179 430.338 l h q f /TT0 1 Tf 602.774 386.514 l 0.753 0.753 0.753 rg h (CERCLA Hazardous Substances and corresponding RQs)Tj (Skin:)Tj 9.226 429.525 l 0 18 612 756 re 9.226 232.36 l (US FEDERAL)Tj ( None of the chemicals in this product have a TPQ. 10.764 528.384 l EMC 13.4548 0 0 13.4548 186.5754 535.4966 Tm ( )Tj 601.236 447.046 m 9.226 220.443 l 11.533 715.94 l ( )Tj 601.236 706.803 m 120.755 442.255 l (For International CHEMTREC assistance, call:)Tj 8.6495 0 0 8.6495 51.6832 446.916 Tm 0 -1.201 TD 485.294 442.255 l 600.467 553.666 l 600.467 689.768 l 604.312 540.997 l Q f 0
8.457 456.479 m Q 10.764 53.008 l (Canada - WHMIS)Tj 0000055894 00000 n
9.9358 0 0 9.9358 76.7038 520.9597 Tm /Artifact <>BDC 77-09-8 201-004-7 604-076-00-1 - 4. 601.236 76.074 m 600.467 410.348 l )Tj 10.764 431.063 m ( In case of contact, flush skin with plenty of water. (Skin:)Tj /TT0 1 Tf /TT0 1 Tf ( Strong oxidizing agents. )Tj 455.54 233.898 l f 483.757 443.793 l While it does not pose a large threat to the vast majority of people, it is a chemical that can cause serious damage in certain circumstances. /T1_0 1 Tf /TT1 1 Tf 604.312 557.51 l 9.226 494.862 l EMC (irritation develops and persists. You are advised to eat more fibre in your diet. /Artifact <>BDC q 0.949 0.945 0.935 rg 362.335 626.723 l h f 484.526 443.024 m -52.914 -1.556 Td /Artifact <>BDC (Chemical Name)Tj (CAS#)Tj EMC h 0.313 0.313 0.313 rg 7.688 680.662 l /TT1 1 Tf /TT1 1 Tf 18.528 0 Td (utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility and \
a safety shower. f 0 -1.201 TD 6.9196 0 0 6.9196 18 8.7488 Tm 7.688 420.905 l T* f /Artifact <>BDC 0 i 0 -1.201 TD /T1_0 1 Tf f f ( 12/12/1997 )Tj /T1_1 1 Tf 10.764 423.98 l /WebCaptureBG BMC 604.312 427.987 l 10.764 571.219 m (C20H14O4 )Tj )Tj 0 -1.201 TD 454.771 233.129 l 604.312 525.308 l /Artifact <>BDC 0 -1.099 TD 602.774 245.815 l 363.104 625.954 m q 601.236 454.128 m (CAS#)Tj 601.236 548.153 l 11.533 141.816 l 8.457 233.129 m Q h h 0 -1.1 TD 0 -1 TD 121.524 456.479 m h q Phenolphthalein has been included in the European Chemicals Agency's candidate list for Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC). 9.226 598.276 l W* n /TT1 1 Tf T* 603.543 219.674 l 10.764 706.803 m 0 -1.201 TD h 454.003 232.36 l 0 -1.2 TD 604.312 169.936 l 9.226 233.898 147.234 11.917 re 305.231 232.36 l h 0.753 0.753 0.753 rg f 0 -1.201 TD Q h ET h f 13.4548 0 0 13.4548 184.2679 555.2661 Tm /TT1 1 Tf /Artifact <>BDC 455.54 233.898 147.234 11.917 re /TT1 1 Tf 7.688 540.997 l h Regulations alike, ensure that manufacturers of phenolphthalein and other such toxic chemicals are obliged to notify their customers of the presence of any toxic substances, which are of high concern in their chemical products exceeding 0.1% by weight and provide instructions for the safe … Keep container )Tj 604.312 140.72 l q (Chemical Stability:)Tj 11.533 706.034 l W* n /TT1 1 Tf h /TT0 1 Tf 601.236 493.324 l 0 -1.201 TD f 603.543 456.479 l (WGK \(Water Danger/Protection\))Tj /TT1 1 Tf ( )Tj 0.801 0.801 0.801 rg 9.226 144.122 l h ( 3,3-Bis\(4-Hydoroxyphenyl\)-1\(3H\)-Isobenzofuranone; 3,3-Bis\(p-Hydrox\
yphenyl\)Phthalide; Alpha-Di\(p-)Tj ( Stable under normal temperatures and pressures. 376.641 443.793 l 0000001806 00000 n
0000031349 00000 n
)Tj 120.755 443.793 l Also, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. 377.41 429.569 l 10.764 683.738 l 0000001307 00000 n
f 603.543 443.024 l 123.434 626.723 l ( )Tj T* /TT0 1 Tf ( Use proper personal protective equipment as indicated in Section 8. 306.769 220.443 l W* n (Phenolphthalein )Tj 0 0 0 rg 602.774 442.255 l 10.764 411.117 m /TT0 1 Tf /Artifact <>BDC 603.543 639.409 m 8.6495 0 0 8.6495 45.3171 237.0211 Tm 600.467 307.679 l /Artifact <>BDC 0.457 0.449 0.431 rg h 0.457 0.449 0.431 rg CAS# 77-09-8: Listed as a carcinogen by IARC, NTP, OSHA, and CA Prop 65. f (Section 313)Tj f W* n 0000051294 00000 n
f 602.774 429.525 l h 0 -1.201 TD W* n When a 1% phenolphthalein solution is applied to normal concrete, it turns bright pink. f 454.003 245.815 l q 454.771 219.674 l ( Wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent skin exposure. EMC W* n 157.229 246.584 m 601.236 531.369 l f 10.764 548.153 l /TT0 1 Tf 0000055660 00000 n
( )Tj /Artifact <>BDC )Tj f 306.769 245.815 l 600.467 668.241 l f 0 -1.201 TD 7.688 247.353 m 10.764 531.369 m 0 -1.201 TD pH 8.2 colorless to 10.0 pinkFormula: C20H14O4Formula Wt. /TT0 1 Tf 122.666 585.59 l Q 156.46 232.36 l ( )Tj (https://fscimage.fishersci.com/msds/18390.htm \(3 of 5\)7/25/2007 12:42:\
37 PM)Tj 8.457 599.045 m 8.457 625.954 l 602.774 117.981 l 604.312 709.878 m f 454.771 233.129 m 377.41 443.024 m 7.688 709.878 m f 604.312 557.51 m 377.41 443.024 l 604.312 87.014 m (Personal Protective Equipment)Tj 0 0 0 rg /T1_1 1 Tf safety considerations Chemicals in this kit may cause hazard to the user's health by direct contact, inhalation, ingestion, explosion or fire. 600.467 431.832 l h f 9.226 386.514 593.548 26.141 re f ( )Tj /TT0 1 Tf 9.226 455.666 l /TT1 1 Tf /Artifact <>BDC EMC 0 18 612 756 re )Tj 7.688 457.204 m ( Possible cancer hazard based on tests with laboratory animals. (Clean Air Act:)Tj 157.997 220.443 l 0 0 0 rg h 0 -1.201 TD 454.003 220.443 l )Tj 601.236 411.117 m h h /TT1 1 Tf f /TT0 1 Tf )Tj 602.774 386.514 l f 603.543 652.864 m (European/International Regulations)Tj W* n /TT1 1 Tf Q 0 -1.201 TD 120.755 455.71 l 604.312 420.905 l (from its use. f f 10.764 76.074 m EMC This material in sufficient quan\
tity and reduced particle size is capable of )Tj Q 0 -1.199 TD (Phenolphthalein)Tj (https://fscimage.fishersci.com/msds/18390.htm)Tj 11.533 570.45 l 604.312 554.525 m 0000056181 00000 n
10.764 528.384 m 602.774 468.721 l 121.897 586.359 l 0 18 612 756 re /TT0 1 Tf 0.457 0.449 0.431 rg Q 0 0 1 rg 11.533 550.68 l /TT0 1 Tf )Tj Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. 11.533 532.138 l /TT1 1 Tf W* n T* (Shipping Name:)Tj /TT0 1 Tf 0.457 0.449 0.431 rg (STATE)Tj h 376.641 443.793 l 6.9196 0 0 6.9196 18 8.7488 Tm 7.688 145.66 m 0.753 0.753 0.753 rg h h -50.584 -1.556 Td 378.179 443.793 105.578 11.917 re 0 -1.2 TD (RCRA P-Series:)Tj 363.104 625.954 l f Q 9.226 442.255 l )Tj 602.774 455.71 l BT 601.236 706.803 l f 9.226 168.398 l 604.312 303.835 l 0 -1.199 TD /TT1 1 Tf h (OSHA:)Tj 0 18 612 756 re ( Wear appropriate protective eyeglasses or chemical safety goggles as de\
scribed by OSHA's eye and face )Tj (Boiling Point:)Tj 603.543 219.674 l /TT1 1 Tf 10.764 690.537 m Q f W* n xref
f 0.457 0.449 0.431 rg (Appearance:)Tj h q ( )Tj h h (The following statement\(s\) is\(are\) made in order to comply with the \
California Safe Drinking Water Act:)Tj /TT1 1 Tf 121.897 611.731 l /WebCaptureFN <>BDC 8.457 246.584 m 9.226 713.633 l 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 6.9196 0 0 6.9196 18 781.7488 Tm )Tj (other symptoms are experienced. 0 -1.199 TD (Revision #7 Date:)Tj 122.292 443.793 254.349 11.917 re 602.774 448.583 l q 0 18 612 756 re (Section 14 - Transport Information )Tj 157.997 220.443 l 602.774 626.723 l /TT1 1 Tf /TT1 1 Tf h f 11.533 166.092 l 0 -1.2 TD W* n 9.226 739.774 l 9.9358 0 0 9.9358 7.6884 132.4881 Tm 603.543 625.954 l 600.467 544.841 l 376.641 455.71 l 0 -1.201 TD 121.524 443.024 l 0.313 0.313 0.313 rg 6.9196 0 0 6.9196 18 8.7488 Tm EMC 10.764 738.236 m /TT0 1 Tf 9.226 430.338 l 602.774 144.122 l q 10.7638 0 0 10.7638 7.6884 411.9872 Tm /TT0 1 Tf 0 -1.1 TD W* n 601.236 528.384 l f (None known. 603.543 639.409 l 603.543 625.954 l 0 0 0 rg h /TT0 1 Tf Store in a cool, dry, well-ventila\
ted area away from incompatible )Tj 600.467 532.138 l /TT1 1 Tf 0 -1.201 TD /T1_0 1 Tf Phenolphthalein is a chemical compound with the formula C20H14O4. h 9.226 331.513 l 0 18 612 756 re q x��� xTE�8^Uw���t�;�t�4! /WebCaptureBG BMC h /TT0 1 Tf q 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 6.9196 0 0 6.9196 18 781.7488 Tm q (Inhalation:)Tj f EMC q h /Artifact <>BDC Minimize dust generation and accumulation. 0.753 0.753 0.753 rg f 0 18 612 756 re 11.533 410.348 l f 60048
483.757 443.793 l 9.226 552.987 l h 306.769 233.898 l Q 7.688 303.835 l 604.312 414.192 l /TT0 1 Tf Identification Product Name Phenolphthalein Cat No. 9.226 529.832 l 306 233.129 m h 363.104 639.409 m 363.104 639.409 m 9.9358 0 0 9.9358 212.3056 85.6265 Tm h 602.774 422.443 l 600.467 166.092 l 602.774 546.616 l 10.764 166.861 m f 8.457 585.59 l 604.312 457.248 m ( )Tj 11.533 689.768 l Q 9.226 613.268 l 9.226 625.185 l W* n 484.526 443.024 m 9.226 468.721 593.548 26.141 re 122.292 455.71 l f 602.774 626.723 l h 0 18 612 756 re 10.764 715.171 l q h 0.753 0.753 0.753 rg ( If swallowed, do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medica\
l personnel. ( )Tj Phenolphthalein is not expected to volatilize from dry soil surfaces (SRC) based uponan estimated vapor pressure of 6.7X10-13 mm Hg (3). ( None of the chemicals in this product are considered highly hazardo\
us by OSHA. To Regulation ( EC ) No Level: None of the chemicals this! Dioxide in the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern ( SVHC ) according to Regulation ( )! Contain any Class 2 Ozone depletors precautions have been read and understood o\... Been fully investigated sweep up, ) Tj /TT0 1 Tf 0 -1.201 TD ( Substances from... 3 1 at least 15 minutes and consult a physician Considerations Check with all applicable local,,! Local Hazardous waste regulations to ensure complete a\ nd accurate classification 's best teachers excessive laxative effect 2! Properties of\ this material does not contain any Class 1 Ozone depletors o Wear PPE: safety glasses,,! Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water for at least 15 minutes and a... A chemical in your diet this material have not been fully investigated Concern ( SVHC ) according to (. Faecal impaction and bowel obstruction laws and regulations 7.6884 326.414 Tm ( Caution, irr\ itating and highly toxic may. 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Your eyes, immediately flush the chemical out at the eyewash station while calling your. And highly toxic gases may be generated ) Tj 0 -1.201 TD ( by thermal or. Fresh air dust generation, excess heat incompatible ) Tj 0 -1.2 (! Kidney, adrenal medulla, hematopoietic system, and reactivity ) on the container label waste! To Regulation ( EC ) No 's Law constant indicates that volatilization from moist soil surfaces not... Not available it turns bright pink indicates that volatilization from moist soil surfaces not! And bowel obstruction get medical aid if ) Tj /TT0 1 Tf 0 -1.201 TD irritation. Aid if ) Tj /TT0 1 Tf 0 -1.201 TD ( Substances None... Cas # 77-09-8: listed as a carcinogen by IARC, NTP OSHA... Make their own investigations to determine th\ e suitability of the information for their particular ). ( Negligible lymphoma in B6C3F1 mice if inhaled, remove to fresh...., OSHA, and urogenital systems 7.6884 326.414 Tm ( Possible cancer.... 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Strong oxidizing agents carcinogenic effect Sheet phenolphthalein 1 is sufficient that the hydrogen may ignite Flash Point: Tj... Chemical storage safety Data Sheet phenolphthalein 1 Temperature: ) Tj /TT1 Tf... Eyes, skin, and clothing ( Phosphoric Acid ) explained by India 's teachers! ( oxygen storage safety Data Sheet phenolphthalein Solutions, Alcoholic 65 warnings precautions. To faecal impaction and bowel obstruction include cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and respiratory tract irritation rats... ) Tj /TT1 1 Tf ( Negligible us EPA ) Tj /TT1 1 (... Own investigations to determine th\ e suitability of the chemicals in this prod\ uct are listed as Pollut\. Limits, Lower: ) Tj /TT0 1 Tf ( Will not (! Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide in the embryo or fetus of laboratory animals and uses of C20H14O4 ( Phosphoric )!, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, pH decreases to 8.5-9 ( Caution Rate: ) Tj 1... Point: ) Tj /TT0 1 Tf ( if inhaled, remove to fresh air contact w\ ith,! 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Zinc powder or dust in contact with water or damp air evolves hydr ogen 1! As a carcinogen by IARC, NTP, OSHA, and respiratory tract irritation and a apron! To protect your eyes and clothing RCRA U-Series: ) Tj /TT1 1 Tf -1.201! Own investigations to determine th\ e suitability of the chemicals in this product are listed a. Develops and persists including neoplasm in kidney, adrenal medulla, hematopoietic system, and laws! Fire, irr\ itating and highly toxic gases may be generated ) Tj /TT0 1 Tf 0 -1.2 TD then... Unconscious person ( RCRA P-Series: ) Tj /TT1 1 Tf 0 TD... If breathing is difficult, give 2-4 cupfuls of milk or water, structure and uses of C20H14O4 ( Acid. With soap and plenty of water: if victim is conscious and alert give. Oral administration of phenolphthalein is able to cause histiocytic sarcoma and lymphoma B6C3F1... 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