I will often begin a thread by posing a question or comment of my own, and the students soon take over. 2. Use this helpful list to find just the right book when you need a story that sends the message that good character counts. Do they have to fight the urge to only summarize? . I require a minimum of ten of these. 9 Ways to Support Staff and Teachers Right Now, Rocking the Constitution in Grade 8 History Class, A Toolbox Packed with Practical Math Ideas, Promote Student Efficacy and Lifelong Learning, Key Insights for New and Aspiring School Leaders, Effective Questioning During Virtual Learning, Practical Wisdom for Scholar-Practitioners, Offering Student Choice Using a Menu Strategy, A Vision of Schoolwide Technology Integration, Tools to Grow Students’ Science Understanding, Powered by - Designed with the Hueman theme. Quote and cite something in the text to support your idea. Some of the types include Give an Opinion, Ask a Question, Prove a Character Trait, Make a Connection, Spot the Setting, Find the Figurative Language, Evaluate the Intro, and Mark the Motivation. Reader Response Questions for Fiction. When we “tweet” about our reading, it needs to be a thought about their book stated in 30 words or less. Reader Response Questions. response allows them to share how their thinking about a character or story line has changed during reading. The four-sentence rule is required even for questions: I tell students to write a question and then three sentences about what they understand about the question so far. Thanks! From identifying story elements to comprehension questions, there are plenty of fun and educational resources to choose. My class uses Kidblog to share their thoughts and feelings about books. For example, students’ choices of Twitter handles for each character may reveal character traits; their use of hashtags could express inferences about personalities and themes. I love this method because it enables me to have a 60-second reading conference with each of them. Because of this, I only write positive comments about what they have done well or a great insight they have had, which hopefully motivates and engages them further. The reading response worksheets can be used over and over with different books in a variety of ways (independent/small group reading, differentiated guided reading lessons, whole class reading activities, homework, early fin How are the characters, setting, and problems like those in other stories you have read? Many students also enjoy adding their own hashtags related to the title of the book or the theme of their tweet. We can ask students to respond to reading in so many different ways. I have even used these with fifth graders, who saw it as an easy, non-threatening way to "prove" they had read their book. Ensure that your high-school students have mastered reading comprehension. For a variation, you could give students pictures you select beforehand, and have them choose a relevant sender and recipient. Current Events Comparison. Explain a character's problem and then offer your character advice on how to solve his/her problem. 1. The images above show blog threads that my students have started along with a few of their responses to a question I posted about our current read-aloud book, Wayside School Is Falling Down. Browse Rita’s 2020 List! Here are some questions to get students thinking: Where are you? Tags: character diaryCommon Coreconcrete found poemmarilyn prylepostcard homeReading Response activitiesto-do listTwitter conversation. I enjoyed the article. For example, for the Spot the Setting RR, students shouldn’t merely give details about the setting; they should speculate about why the author chose that particular setting, and how it contributes to plot or mood. What will you do? Guide students in annotation by directing them to do more than highlight or underline. Test your students’ reading comprehension with these resources that encourage a response to literature. Source: Pixie Chicks. Point out that there are no "right answers" in response journals. Click the image below to download the 3, 2, 1. Have them work with partners to rewrite part of the text as a Twitter conversation among the characters. 5 Back-to-School Books That Teach Classroom Behavior. Where does the character have to go? With these questions, students must summarize, infer, evaluate, and predict—all in the voice of a character, which demonstrates a high level of comprehension with the story. See more ideas about school reading, reading response, teaching reading. The use of a reader’s response journal for these activities keeps the stud… She states the main problem here: “They do have a tendency to oversimplify the concept of reader response as simply personal meaning...That … They are easy enough to use with second graders, but interesting enough to use with older elementary school children. Literature Circles are a wonderful answer to this dilemma, even for the most reluctant of high school readers. I merely facilitate the conversation, highlighting important points and asking deeper questions when needed. They do not have to actually use Twitter; they can just write out the conversation on paper, perhaps using Twitter’s 140-character maximum length. I’ve had students fill this response out without its even being assigned because they’ve had a sudden epiphany while reading that they want to put down in words. How can we get kids to interact with texts in creative ways that require an even higher level of understanding? Below are twenty reading response prompts I use frequently when my students are asked to read nonfiction texts. Generate Questions. Students respond for approximately five minutes in a writing journal to a question posted in class prior to reading. For example, if a character’s goal is to “win karate tournament,” smaller steps might include, “Practice 2 hours a day” and “Watch opponents compete.” This activity will measure students’ comprehension, their understanding of a character’s underlying motives, their ability to draw inferences from existing information, and their ability to predict a character’s future actions. While reading their responses, I, of course, take note of misunderstandings students may have, or any redirection they may need, and I save those conversations for when we meet face to face. Reading Response is most likely a huge part of your reading program, whether you work with small groups, have your students participate in literature circles, or take a more independent approach, such as implementing a Reading Workshop program. While reader response is a viable teaching tool for literature, it has been misused. Find out how I've finally made my classroom library easy to manage for both me and my students. This massive collection of ☀️READING ACTIVITIES☀️ covers all essential reading skills for elementary / primary students. They are not drawing; they must arrange the words, phrases, or sentences into an image on the page. For more ideas, or to view full assignment sheets and rubric possibilities for the assignments suggested here, please see my book, 50 Common Core Reading Response Activities (Scholastic, 2014). There is a Divider Tab for each skill or strategy, each with a built in Anchor Chart and Sentence F I will often begin a thread by posing a question or comment of my own, and the students soon take over. 3. Challenge them to get inside that character’s head to create a to-do list. How do you feel about the recipient? Reading Response Journals are the perfect place for students to respond to novels that are read aloud in the classroom. They should turn in not only the finished image but also a sheet with the cited words, phrases, or sentences they used to create the image. Encourage students to have a conversation with the text by jotting notes on the text while reading—this keeps students engaged and often increases comprehension. Explain how a character is acting and why you think the character is acting that way. Each day students read, then post in their journal the date, title of what they’ve been reading, page numbers completed (from page # to page #), copy the posted Response question, then their actual response. See more ideas about reading response, teaching reading, school reading. Nearly every day, my students have independent time built into our reader’s workshop. Or, the activities can be displayed on a bulletin board. And be sure to subscribe to MiddleWeb SmartBrief for the latest middle grades news & commentary from around the USA. On days when we haven’t had a whole-group discussion, I might ask each student to summarize his or her RR for me as I walk around. What does the character want to do or achieve? 2. Stories about Ichabod Crane and Peter Pan make responding to literature fun and creative. Below you will find just a few that I like. Required fields are marked *. I usually have students do RRs for homework, and then use their RRs as a springboard and compass for discussion. Marilyn Pryle (@MPryle) is a National Board Certified teacher and the author of five books with Scholastic, including Writing Workshop in Middle School and Easy and Effective Writing Lessons for English Language Learners. Workbooks for upper elementary students provide in-depth practice responding to passages and incorporate interesting social studies lessons. Instead, after our discussions, I give students another activity to work on, and I circulate to check that the RRs have been done. Text - Based Evidence https://www.journalbuddies.com/writing-grade-level/essay-prompts-high-school What and how? Occasionally, though, I will have students complete a “Polished RR,” for which they must choose one of their particularly insightful or interesting RRs, type it up, expand upon it if necessary, and hand it in for a larger grade. NO PREP REQUIRED! Were you reminded of anything in your own life while reading this story? Below is an example using Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. or How has one of the characters changed since you started reading? Whom does the character need to speak to? Oct 16, 2017 - Explore Lori Albertson's board "School Reading Response Stuff", followed by 238 people on Pinterest. Your email address will not be published. MAKE SURE TO WRITE ABOUT EVENTS FROM THE STORY THAT SUPPORT YOUR RESPONSE TO EACH PROMPT. This is not merely a summarizing activity—deeper understandings can surface with this exercise. What does he or she have to do on a daily basis? Doing Reading Responses (RRs) is one of the most effective techniques I know to get kids to formulate new ideas about a fiction or non-fiction text while referring to the text as they do so. A great way for students to build conceptual ideas about what they are learning. 3. Sometimes the teacher will select the text for reader response, and sometimes students will respond to their own personal choices. Intro: Paragraph 1 : Dramatic re-telling of a personal story of picking up my cell phone and then realizing that … My 3rd graders are very aware of social media and love to partake in this classroom version. Dive In to Reading. Student Reading Response Journal Questions. Independent Reading Response Questions Personal and Textual Connections: 1. In the beginning of the year, I give students a list of 10-15 RR “types” with descriptions for each. [Read MiddleWeb’s review.]. On the front of their postcard, students should, of course, draw a picture. It also helps refocus and challenge them for the next semester. Combining them can push students’ thinking and analysis to a higher level. While my students love to “blog” in response to their own independent reading books, they especially enjoy commenting on our class read-alouds. The students themselves will eventually hit upon all the important points of the text; often they will make observations or ask questions I had not thought of myself. Whenever possible, use response-to reading assignments to deepen students’ love for both reading AND writing. Here are 50 NO PREP reading response activities for fiction and nonfiction. Can’t wait to try the concrete found poems for reading science texts. Overview. I’m combining two poetic forms here: the “concrete” or shaped poem that middle school students are probably very familiar with, and the “found” poem, which they may not know. Reading Response Blogs My class uses Kidblog to share their thoughts and feelings about books. Need a Good Read? Scholastic is a treasure trove of reading response graphic organizers and reading response ideas. This is a sample reading response essay to an article titled “Cell Phones are Dangerous" by Mary Johnson, agreeing with the article and extending one of the ideas. Before asking students to analyze nonfiction, I’ve found it helpful to teach them about the reading skills I’ll be asking them to use, and I give them an introduction to informational texts. What does this say about them as readers and thinkers? A few weeks ago I shared my reading response forms and graphic organizers for independent reading, which are an integral part of my reading program. You can write the activities down on cards and choose a new one to display each day, or the students can choose a card from a basket to complete. You might look for : 1. themes and issues that resonate with students 2. beautiful language 3. compelling characters 4. well-crafted plots 5. well-written nonfiction 6. evocative images 7. multiple lay… While I would love to conference or even converse with each student about their independent reading book, time just doesn’t allow for this on a daily basis. You can suggest that if a character has a large goal on the list, that goal can be broken down into smaller tasks. Learn how your comment data is processed. Steps to Response Journals: Explain the functions of the response journal to students. Try these digital literary element graphic organizers with middle and high school students. When I respond to their writing, I think of it as a form of written conversation between us. MiddleWeb is all about the middle grades, with great 4-8 resources, book reviews, and guest posts by educators who support the success of young adolescents. During reading strategies units, I try to incorporate as many high-interest nonfiction articles as possible. Part of the fun is trying to achieve a tic-tac-toe, but students are actually answering prompts that are within, about, and beyond the text. This At First I Thought . Below are some examples using the stories of Prometheus and King Arthur: Most main characters embark on a journey of some kind; this archetypal plot pattern lends itself to a postcard home activity. I often begin class by asking students to share their RRs. It is very easy to set up and the teacher gets to approve all comments before they are posted. Do you like it? By this time of year, my 3rd graders are becoming much more sophisticated readers; they are beginning to recognize that characters and plots evolve as the story progresses. Click on the image to download the free printable. Download the PDF from here. Head under the sea and make a splash with this fun reading nook! As individual students speak up, the rest of us jump to their cited text and follow along. Who and how? Have students locate 3-5 current event articles a character in their book … They can think about the following questions: Character To-Do List Brainstorming Questions. Students love this! 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