Davies’ interest in psychology has heavily influenced a lot of the themes, and actions in the novel. The history of such an elusive thing as an affinity is not an easy one to trace, although there is at least a clearly defined starting-point in Davies’ work itself. Apuleius, Carl Jung, and Robert Graves: Robertson Davies’ The Golden Ass On April 13, 1999, the Canadian Opera Company premiered The Golden Ass, with music by Randolph Peters and libretto by famed Canadian novelist Robertson Davies (1913–1995). The Jungian element in the fiction of Robertson Davies has become increasingly well known and discussed since the publication ofThe Manticore.ButThe Manticoreis only the obvious manifestation of a much larger Jungianism (to borrow Davies’ own word for the body of Jung’s theory and ideas of human personality) which can, I believe, be shown to inform all his work from the earliest journalism to the latest novel and collection of talks. Jung By ROBERTSON DAVIES . -- Robertson Davies, The New York Times Book Review, "What [Jung] offers from the furnace of his mind is near enough to that Philosopher's Stone sought by his old friends the alchemists to hold us enchanted through unnumbered re-readings." Polly, It's good to hear your voice. literature researcher who knew Davies in person. The programs of the C.G. It's an homage to her, and contains many wonderful anecdotes about her by her analysands: The Fountain of the Love of Wisdom. I have no shelf space left in my house, but the books keep coming. Fifth Business is a novel by Canadian writer Robertson Davies.It is the first installment of the Deptford Trilogy and explores the life of the narrator, Dunstan Ramsay. The Globe and Mail - Robertson Davies. His thesis, Shakespeare's Boy Actors, appeared in 1939, a year in which he pursued an acting career outside London. Jung”. By combining the characters in the book and the ideas of Carl Jung, Davies was able to create, arguably his best piece of literature. If you're not already familiar with it, a book I highly recommend for those interested in learning more about von Franz personally was published recently. Mr. Davies is didactically faithful in explaining each, and while the novel is thus a kind of Jungian primer, he uses the archetypes as a structure on which to build David's story. The concepts of the Jungian theory of personality have long held considerable interest for Robertson Davies. Findley first sought his professional home on the stage at the Stratford Festival in […] A Davies fan writes: Since you've discovered Robertson Davies, I just have to make a pitch for my very favourite, Leaven of Malice. The Manticore(1972), the middle book of Davies’ Deptford trilogy, seems at first sight to be a very simple book, appearing to one reviewer as ‘an engrossing primer on the precepts of Carl Jung’ and to another as ‘unabashedly all about Jung.’¹ But it is a delusive simplicity, because even more than inFifth Business,Davies’ characteristic ambivalence is at work inThe Manticore.I am not merely suggesting that under the apparent simplicity of its structural framework and symbolic texture the novel is in fact so complex that the paradoxes and convolutions of structural and symbolic patterns almost... Knowing that knowledge tricks us beyond measure. He spent 1940 playing minor roles and doi… The Ring and The Book— Robertson Davies As a very young man I was struck by a remark by somebody one was supposed to admire — I think it was Flaubert — who said that if we read and immersed ourselves in a very few great books, we should be come truly cultivated people. Since it has been so long since I last read this novel I'm wondering if this will be one of those books that you measure yourself by, if it will read at a different level now. This is the best introductory book for the serious reader. Sometimes we have outgrown it; but in the case of a great book it is more often a case of fninding that we have grown INTO it, and are now capable of entering its deeper levels. Hi Cynthia - Thans (I think) for the book recommendation. J. D. O'Hara. Robertson Davies's novels have their setting in Canada, but they are for the world. Hi Robert,The first Robertson Davies novel I read was The Manticore, a gift from a writer friend. While Jung and his school gave us some useful terms, I do wish we could all agree to dump that awful word "analysand". The title itself is a speaking proof of Jung psychology elements used in the first part of “The Deptford Trilogy” though the main character (and the Jung Foundation seek to serve those who wish to increase their knowledge and self-understanding and encourages the study of analytical psychology and related fields such as mythology, symbolism, and anthropology. Hmmm, looking forward to this! Jung is more prevalent in Fifth Business. Don’t Mess with the Magician. I have much to learn but have learned so much from her! Jung himself was dauntingly complex and a bit beyond me at that point. “Authors like cats because they are such quiet, lovable, wise creatures, and cats like authors for the … The smaller infinity : the Jungian self in the novels of Robertson Davies. C.G. The delight of being given The Manticore was to rediscover the richness possible in delving into the self and in dreams and all the splendor that first made Jung so appealing. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.3138/j.ctv5j02zf, (For EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager, Zotero, Mendeley...). says Goethe’s Faust,¹ and it is tempting to see in this statement an image of Davies’ position at the end ofThe Manticore.He has apparently reached the point where the Jungian psychology which has fascinated him for so long will no longer serve as an instrument in his attempt to define human identity in his fiction. If there are any others, please do let me know. The thing is, some of us will ALWAYS need another book :-)I have to add this. In his novel, Fifth Business, Robertson Davies addresses the meaning of life by exploring Jungian archetypes. The Manticore (The Deptford Trilogy, #2) by Robertson Davies, Michael Dirda (Introduction) Robert, I have Projection and Recollection but have only read parts of it. on JSTOR. Thanks for reminding me of this gem. I'm reminded of a phrase from one of your books, "whole soul goodness" which makes me think of what is possible for us. If you continue with the Deptford Trilogy you will find yourself reading The Manticore, which goes a long way to explaining how Jungian philosophy informs all of Davies' work. Many of the characters in the novel are based around the concepts of Jung. "What [Jung] offers from the furnace of his mind is near enough to that Philosopher's Stone sought by his old friends the alchemists to hold us enchanted through unnumbered re-readings. "—-Robertson Davies, The New York Times Book Review JSTOR®, the JSTOR logo, JPASS®, Artstor®, Reveal Digital™ and ITHAKA® are registered trademarks of ITHAKA. Add it to the autobiography and The Freud/Jung Letters and one has the beginning of a lifetime's serious entertainment. This is the best introductory book for the serious reader. Log in to your personal account or through your institution. Reading Through Jung’s Spectacles: A Consideration of Robert Browning’s Poem. Canada was among the places that felt Jung's effect. First published by Macmillan of Canada in 1975, this novel focuses on the life-story of the fictional conjuror Magnus Eisengrim. About 20 years ago I read every book of Robertson Davies available. It's both profound and entertaining in a way that recalls the engaging wit of Robertson Davies. book “This splendid book… transcends disciplines and provides an agenda for the role that dreams can play in ensuring human survival.” — Stanley Krippner, PhD, coauthor of Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them. Try logging in through your institution for access. His exploration of these possibilities is rooted in his deep and long-lasting affinity with Jung, and, for the most part, is... JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways. World of Wonders is the third novel in Robertson Davies 's Deptford Trilogy. I'd always been interested in Jung since discovering a copy of Man and His Symbols when I was in my teens. Response to Robertson Davies (and Carl Jung) Updated: Jul 29, 2019. Robertson Davies began reading him in the 1950s and eventually became so caught up in Jungian theory that he built his 1972 novel, The Manticore, around an unlikely but highly detailed Jungian analysis. I think reading this novel was one of those experiences that foreshadows what is to come. Eugene Ivanov/Shutterstock. C.G. It's hard to entertain even a sliver of falseness in the face of their bold honesty. In the foregoing chapters I have demonstrated that Davies’ work reveals a progressive attempt to define human identity in the fullest possible sense. This time of year never fails to put me in mind of Robertson Davies and his marvelous Deptford Trilogyof novels, which I … Selected and Edited by Gerhard Adler, in collaboration with Aniela Jaffe. Robertson Davies, with his fine ear, detested it too. This interpretive study discusses Davies' use of Jungian psychology as both a structural and a thematic device and touches on related themes of illusion and the nature of reality. Thanks, Robert!--fran. In a sense, this development was inevitable. Get this from a library! JUNG: LETTERS Vol I: 1906-1950. Robertson Davies Joan Smith reviews Judith Skelton Grant's book "Robertson Davies: Man of Myth". Come to think of it, I may have recommended it before, when you were working on your book that included Pauli's dream experiences. The novel explores the … He received a BLit in 1938 at Balliol College, Oxford. Robertson Davies. Some of the archetypes described by Carl Jung are the Self, the Shadow, the Anima and Animus, the Devil, the Wise Old Man and Virgin Mary. While contemplating the idea of writing a kind of response to Canadian author Robertson Davies' book called "The Manticore", the second volume of his Deptford Trilogy, I had a conversation with my (Jungian) therapist (okay, analyst, therapist isn't really the right term!) He uses the paradigm of illusion and the Jungian psychologem of individuation, but betweenA Mixture of FrailtiesandFifth Businessthe focus of his interest shifts, and his artistic skill develops, so that in Fifth Business his treatment of illusion and of individuation is not only more complex but also more closely integrated. The analysis is predictable Jung, with all the archetypes turning up eventually: the person, the shadow, the anima, etc. by Robertson Davies ‧ RELEASE DATE: Feb. 15, 1981 In this darkly funny scuttle through academe's more covert passageways, Davies—a veteran provider of civil entertainments who's ever Jung-at-heart—first edges his people into medieval archetypes and unexpected passions, then caps the Scholarly spectacle with a splendidly horrid murder. That this richness must be part of my life too for my life to be a life worth living.You've inspired me to dig out my copy from the monstrous mountains of books here, or buy a new one! Robertson Davies is an avowed and recognized Jungian. JUNG By Anthony Storr. Robertson Davies' novel approach to Jung Questions opened with a Weasel Scot who said: “D’ye really know anything about this Yoong, or did ye juist mug up eneuch o’ … Jungian Theories in Fifth Business The first instalment, Fifth Business, in The Deptford Trilogy by Robertson Davies incorporates many different ideas to help the book progress as smoothly as it does. I started keeping a dream journal in 1982, and I love finding out information like this that kind of "explains" unconscious connections to me--thanx. It's not weighty or deep, just a perfectly constructed little jewel of a novel. PILGRIM is a novel written by Timothy Findley, a Canadian author, who died in 2004. The article is entitled “Robertson Davies’ Fifth Business and “That Old Fantastical Duke of Dark Corners, C.G. Hi Cynthia - Rereading Robertson Davies and delving into his adventures among Jungians around and beyond his fiction brought me to also rereading von Franz' "Projection and Recollection in Jungian Psychology", which to my mind is the most helpful and brilliant of all the Jungian studies apart from those of the great non-Jungian, Jung himself. Robertson Davies was not only one of the greatest of the novelists who have learned from Jung and was inspired by him; Davies was one of the more select band (it seems to me) who grasped what Jung was all about. Robertson Davies paralleled Carl Jung’s theory of archetypes being the model of people in the novel Fifth Business. This video explains Jungian Psychology which had a profound effect on the novel Fifth Business by Robertson Davies. The successive stages in Davies’ attempt to define human identity overlap in time, so thatTempest-Tost,the first of the Salterton trilogy (whichLeaven of MaliceandA Mixture of Frailtiescomplete), was published in 1951, three years before Samuel Marchbanks’ final appearance in ‘The Double Life of Robertson Davies.’ Davies first plays with the idea of illusion, almost parenthetically, inShakespeare’s Boy Actors,but in the Marchbanks material he presents a development of this idea of illusion in a thesis of ambivalence: the proposition that a psychic whole must contain both of any given pair of opposites and that... InFifth Business(1970), Davies continues to pursue his attempt to define human identity, and comes up with a novel which is very different from any of his preceding ones. When Robertson Davies died in December 1995, Canada’s state broadcasting corporation, the CBC, offered live radio coverage of his funeral. I couldn't get enough of him,but never knew about his interest in Jung and dreams. Thabks, Fran. The Jungian element in the fiction of Robertson Davies has become increasingly well known and discussed since the publication of The Manticore. ot every great man is at his best in his correspondence, and it will be a matter of satisfaction to the admirers of C.G. My favourite passage in the 700-plus pages of this splendid biography is on 461-62, where Davies is quoted at some length on how Jung viewed the "second half" of life - the 40-plus years - as the truly magic time of existence. It's a very interesting experience, returning so a book we read much earlier in life and seeing what it means to us now. ©2000-2021 ITHAKA. Mr. He was deeply influenced by Carl Jung's theories of … He attended Upper Canada College from 1926 to 1932 and went on to Queen's University from 1932 to 1935 as a special student not working towards a degree. I'm a huge fan of von Franz and this story just tickled me!I am not familiar with Robertson but will have to check out his work.Thank you also Robert for the Red Book quotes you've been posting. C.G. You do not have access to this All Rights Reserved. The other day, the mailman, arriving at the door with three more book passages, chaffed, "Like you need another book, right?" I know of only one novel in which Dr. Jung is a character. [Patricia Monk] Third son of Senator William Rupert Davies, Robertson Davies participated in stage productions as a child and developed a lifelong interest in drama. I’m definitely curious about the letters between Jung and the Dominican. I felt then that I must eventually find my way into the landscapes of dreams and imagination. If the Bard was Davies' first intellectual love, Carl Jung would likely be the second. Carl Jung is a Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist who introduces the concept of archetypes being the core understanding of human psychology in 1990. Davies’ interest in psychology heavily influenced many … Moreover, because this affinity is deep-rooted and at the same time qualified, any discussion of its manifestations in individual works must be preceded not only by a general outline of those manifestations, but also by an examination of how (in general terms) the Jungian material is assimilated or transmuted into Davies’ fiction. In the development of his work fromShakespeare’s Boy Actors to World of Wonders,he can be seen to examine the possibilities of role-playing, the second self, the autonomous personality of the artist, the Jungian self, the romance hero, and the Magian soul, and to assess each as a possible mythologem of the completed human identity. Explores the … the Globe and Mail - Robertson Davies paralleled Carl Jung would be. 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