The whole thing feels like it was written by someone who has never seen a, Has the tough task of putting the pieces in place for the impeccable season one finale, and doesn. Create a commenting name to join the debate, There are no Independent Premium comments yet - be the first to add your thoughts, There are no comments yet - be the first to add your thoughts. What’s refreshing is that the episode earns the surprise – it’s so neatly folded into the overarching plot of what’s happening elsewhere, that it’s a strong example of the writers working at the top of their game. L Scott Caldwell is on Emmy-worthy form. The episode would probably be better if it hadn’t come just after one of the most gut-wrenching endings in Lost history. MIB and Sawyer’s partnership is beginning to fracture, since Sawyer plans on double-crossing the Monster in hopes of getting off The Island. 104. CC: I mean, I think the episode where Jack gets his tattoos in Thailand . A good one for Jack and Kate-shipping Jaters too as the pair get “caught in a net” before they happen upon traitor-in-waiting, Michael. LOST: The 10 Worst Episodes (According To IMDb) LOST was a long-running show about survivors of a plane crash that had its ups and downs. 6. This episode has all the components of a terrific one, but it falls short of the mark. Sure, time was limited, but the long-standing French woman deserved a better send-off. Lost at its coldest. Think you’re watching a standard castaway drama? PLEASE CORRECT ME IN COMMENTS. Even the island stuff (Isabel the sheriff) is thrown by the wayside the moment it ends. Th origin of Desmond’s “brother” catchphrase. The existing Open Comments threads will continue to exist for those who do not subscribe to Independent Premium. Evangelne Lilly as Kate Austen in season two of ‘Lost’ (Buena Vista), In ‘Lost’ season three, the islanders find a car in the middle of the jungle (Buena Vista), Jack (Matthew Fox) in the final season of ‘Lost’ (Disney-ABC Domestic Television), Sayid (Naveen Andrews) met Danielle Rousseau (Mira Furlan) in the show’s first season (Buena Vista), A huge revelation about the mysterious Others arrived in the season three premiere (Buena Vista), Sun (Yunjin Kim) and Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell) in ‘Lost’ (Buena Vista), François Chau as Dr Marvin Candle from the hatch orientation video in season two (Buena Vista). It wouldn't be a bad episode if the focus was… Whew. 28. Back in the early days, a format shakeup in Lost was enough to cause heart palpitations – so the realisation you’re about to watch the first 48 days, through the eyes of the tail-end survivors, is cause for excitement. It’s odd to see Ben on the back-foot, so this episode takes some getting used to. Heading. This is the second act, which is usually the most difficult for our protagonists. It’s a stunning move. Voted up by Staff. The whispers at the end is fun, as is “the first – and hopefully last – Island Open”. Does well thrusting importance back onto Sun and Jin, despite having lots to wrap up before the series finale. Purely exists to make up the numbers. The Lost Series Finale, 10 Years Later: The Highs, the Lows, and the Closing Credits That Caused a Commotion By Matt Webb Mitovich / May 23 2020, 2:00 PM PDT Courtesy of ABC Dependable early episode. Imagine having to wait nine months for a new episode after seeing that for the first time.. Lost gave one of the show’s best characters (Sawyer) the resolution he – or indeed we – never thought he’d be granted in such a flawless manner. The writers didn’t hold back for the 100th episode of Lost, delivering what must be the episode that benefits most from rewatch. Action (the assault on the Barracks), mystery (Dr Ray’s washed up body), heartbreak (Keamy’s brutal massacre of Alex), and razor-sharp dialogue (look no further than the climactic Ben Linus and Charles Widmore clash). Puts the brakes on the final season slightly, which is slightly disconcerting considering the end is near, but there’s lots of enjoyable moments courtesy of temperamental dynamite and the Hurley-Libby flashsideways reunion. Voted up by Staff. 110) "Stranger in a Strange Land" (Season 3, Episode 9): This is everybody's pick for the worst episode of "Lost," and it's easy to see why. Also, the Charlotte and Daniel scene, in which she tells him he’s the “scary man” who told her to leave the island when she was a child, is extremely creepy. One of those hectic episodes that puts things in place for the final stretch of the season, and. After being mistaken for one of the Others back in the 1970s, Sayid – locked up by DHARMA – meets a young Ben and decides to put a bullet in his chest. As ever, Michael Emerson pulls off what’s asked of him and his final “no one will have me” is (kind of) the start of his previously unthinkable redemption. Worst: "The Lost Sister" (Season 2, Episode 7) It's very easy to understand the purpose of "The Lost Sister," and it's a noble and worthy pursuit. When "Lost" premiered on September 22, ... from worst to best. So it is with a certain degree of fondness that we present the 15 best worst episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series – we’ll still watch no matter how painful it gets. Also: first appearance of Mikhail. This episode kept with a couple of unfortunate traditions in Lost - the second episode of most seasons are not nearly as strong as the premiere, and Kate episodes are usually pretty weak. A really fun one! 63. It’s hard to think of a time before “Through the Looking Glass” had been unleashed upon the world, but it was certainly a less inspired one. “I’m sorry.” “For what?” BANG. The Kate and Cassidy “sisters doing it for themselves” flashbacks are well-meaning if ultimately dry, and the plot of Juliet and Kate being handcuffed in the jungle isn’t as entertaining as it should be until Smokey shows up. Spoiler alert, in case you haven't watched Lost yet. The following is a list of creepypasta that falls under the genre of "Lost Episodes". Power Rangers Lost Galaxy: 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Episodes According To IMDb. Charlie and Eko have many cool moments and the big smoke monster scene is a gem, but the ending signals a rocky and quite frustrating arc to come for Charlie, which in retrospect, puts a bit of a downer on proceedings. Pure finale build-up, but The Others stuff is great and Sun’s proclamation of “boat” as the survivors are gathered around Ana-Lucia and Libby’s graves, always brings chills to the spine. This Post. As evidenced by the actual ratings of bad episodes of Lost, it’s clear that a bad episode of the show is still a whole lot better than a lot of other TV shows out there. A bit of Claire’s backstory is revealed, as in some of the show’s overarching mythologies. 67. Stories about tv shows and movies with disturbing episodes which supposedly once existed. On the Island, Eko is seeing visions of his brother, Yemi, which is the Monster in reality. For its utter lack of logic, grade-school humor, and demented performance from Ronald Long, “ Mutiny in Space ” deserves its rating as the worst Lost in Space episode ever made. RELATED: LOST: 10 Best Episodes According To IMDb, In the Flash–Sideways story, Locke is getting rushed to the hospital by Desmond, while Sun is also being taken to the same facility. ESQ: What was the worst episode of Lost? The best of Claire’s episodes. After enjoying success as one of the most-watched new shows of all time in 2004, it wouldn’t have been surprising for Lost to buckle under the pressure and screw up its season one finale. One of the biggest mistakes was “ Stranger in a Strange Land,” an episode they admit in an interview with Esquire was the series’ worst. The opening scene is vintage Lost, but the remainder of the episode falls surprisingly flat. 75. If you’re a longtime fan or simply looking for a new series to start, subscribe to podcast The LOST Boys, which follows the writer of this article’s journey watching from the very beginning for the eighth time alongside his friend who has never seen it before. I mean, … Ben talking to an empty chair in Jacob’s cabin may not have won Michael Emerson an Emmy, but it stands out as some of the best acting this series ever saw (he was beaten that year by his co-star Terry O’Quinn, which is fair enough). That ending is a treat. Now, it feels surprisingly restrained. An oddity of an episode that’s high on Desmond and Richard Alpert – a surefire way of guaranteeing a watchable hour of television. It switches up the show and is the perfect way to alert the audience that, with the revelation of what’s down the hatch, Lost is about to open doors some viewers may not want to enter. According to IMDb, these were the worst episodes. It turns out that she is the fugitive that the Marshall Jack is trying to fix escorted Kate onto 815. And some of that shows, most classically in … On the Island, the Castaways realize that Ethan is one of the Others, as he closes in on Charlie and Claire. Catnip for Locke fans. 50. Almost a full three points less than the best of the series is the worst. 6. One of the earliest major random character connections happens in 16th episode in the show’s epic first season (one of the best seasons of TV in the history of the medium). 53. It’s everything else that lacks here, even though demented Claire trying to kill Kate as “zombie” Sayid watches on is an offbeat delight. 101. The one where Jack finally settles on a purpose. It dispatches of not one, but two characters at the hands of a character you’d never suspect. Whether you’re a Lost fan or not, everyone can settle on the fact that it’s one of the greatest finales in TV history – and one that not only changes the very fabric of its own existence, but the medium of television as a whole. When accompanied with Michael Giacchino’s score and Locke’s most heartbreaking flashbacks, it results in TV gold. A terrific precursor to the series finale. “Stranger in a Strange Land” (Season 3) The Last Recruit – Season six, episode 13. Ab Aeterno – Season six, episode nine. Your enjoyment depends on just how invested in Sun and Jin’s story you are, but regardless, the flashbacks are as heartwarming as they come and the tail-end survivors come into their own. The Greater Good – Season one, episode 21. Friday 22 May 2020 15:08. The Little Prince – Season five, episode four. 30. Three Minutes – Season two, episode 22. Locke getting rattled by the imprisoned Henry Gale’s mind games is a highlight. Infamously bad. After a season of watching the survivors roam the island, being plonked into an uncertain location with a completely new character is at once hugely mystifying and exciting. The Whole Truth – Season two, episode 16. Slightly farfetched, but has a few classic season one moments (that kiss). Charlie at his whiniest. 35. 82. As the US TV drama's finale turns 10, Jacob Stolworthy goes back through every single twist, turn and big moment, Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile. I think it's cringe-worthy, where he's flying the kite on the beach. White Rabbit – Season one, episode five. Lost. The mystery surrounding the ageless Richard Alpert’s immortality gets ticked off in suitably epic fashion as we’re treated to a flashback dating back to 1867. The best of Claire’s episodes. The first fast-paced episode of Lost. Without the success of “Exodus”, Lost wouldn’t have been encouraged to take the bold steps it did right through to its finale. Season 2. The out-of-nowhere twist ending only serves to make this episode more of a classic in my eyes. 52. It aired between 1965 and 1968, and while it was originally conceived as a sort of Swiss Family Robinson in space, it eventually morphed into an engaging, if campy, sci-fi adventure. The scope of this episode might have lessened over the years, but at the time of its premiere, the excitement levels were joyous. A boring flashback, an island narrative in which nothing happens and Bai Ling in the worst guest performance the show ever saw. Here, for the purposes of your outrage, is pretty much every character ever on Lost in order from worst to best. Even co-creator Damon Lindelof dislikes this episode. Meanwhile, the Mikhail scenes are memorable and the indelible ending – Jack playing football with Mr Friendly – is a stone-cold, Pure finale build-up, but The Others stuff is great and Sun. Sporadically poor – Kate thinking the spirit of her father has possessed Sawyer is a dud idea – but is saved by some magnificent Locke and Eko scenes, and one of the best cliffhangers of the season. Probably Kate’s worst flashbacks, mind. The cat-and-mouse aspect between her and Sawyer is fun, but there’s no denying it. 54. There’s no denying the climactic smoke monster showdown at the temple is effective, and there are some great Kate reaction shots as she sees the “resurrected” Locke for the first time. What Kate Does – Season six, episode three. 58. Lost's 5 Best Episodes - and Its 5 Worst. The freighter explosion; the helicopter crash; the frozen donkey wheel – the island literally moving. Stranger Things 2 feels a lot like the first season.It re-creates many of the same beats, building a story with rhythms that feel more like a movie sequel than … Let’s be honest: the season two opening is probably the greatest start to any episode of any TV show, let alone Lost. A boring flashback, an island narrative in which nothing happens and Bai Ling in the worst guest performance the show ever saw. The ending of “Two for the Road” is Lost in shocking mode. Don’t care about Daniel Faraday’s backstory? there. Maggie Grace’s only flashback episode is nowhere near as weak as some fans remember. For Jack’s double-cross, the group are forced to flee on a submarine, one that is rigged with C4. 111. Season 2, Episode 27 - “The Phantom Family“ When the Jupiter 2 is infiltrated by aliens, Will is left … Since June 10, 2007, when the final episode of HBO’s “The Sopranos” aired, people have been debating whether the last episode was a fitting end to the award-winning show. 47. But when Jack refuses to push the numbers, he’s forced to open the door to do it himself, leaving Jack to stop Sayid from finding out the complete truth. The following is a list of creepypasta that falls under the genre of "Lost Episodes". Six yeas earlier, its first season following survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 after they crash on a mysterious island somewhere in the South Pacific became one of the most-watched shows in TV history (the season two premiere was watched by a staggering 23.47m viewers). After learning the entire tail section of Oceanic 815 was flung far off from the main section, our favorite Castaways already wrote that section off. 111. Sawyer’s scenes with Ben are dynamite and a fine precursor to the terrific work Michael Emerson goes on to deliver. Jack’s ok with MIB helping but has no intention of letting him leave the Island. In what could easily be billed as the biggest television event of the decade, ABC's " Lost " will shut the hatch door on six years of mind-bending mystery when it caps off its incredible run with a two-and-a … Her as a future classic that was the worst character on `` Lost. accompanied with Michael ’! Sheila Kelley ) – falls by the wayside the moment it ends a fine precursor to heart... World-Expanding ending is usually the most exciting episode of Lost ’ s worst! Tone perfectly scenes with Ben are dynamite and a fine precursor to fact! A Tale of two Cities – Season five, episode 10 victim to its own ambition to! 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