Zinc powder - zinc dust (stabilized) 7440-66-6 60 - 100 Name CAS number% First aid measures Eye contact Skin contact Inhalation Ingestion No specific treatment. /Width 712 A zinc and copper alloy is used to make pennies in the United States. Advanced Search | Structure Search. Need larger quantities for your development, manufacturing or research applications? If you find a lot number such as TO09019TO - enter the lot Sigma-Aldrich Products are sold exclusively through Sigma-Aldrich, Inc.
Emergency Telephone Number: Mr. Alan Kantor, Tel:+ 972-4-9978220,+ 972-54-7606673 TRADE NAME AND SYNONYMS: Zinc Metal, Electrolytic Zinc, … K9. 3D Printing Materials for Research and Development, P222 - P223 - P231 + P232 - P273 - P370 + P378 - P422, 3D Printing of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Composites, Additive Manufacturing of Permanent Magnets. In many cases a COA can be faxed 1-800-638-2581 ... Zinc Powder Zinc Selenide Zinc Silicate Phosphor Zinc Sulfide Zinc Telluride Zirconium Zirconium Boride Zirconium Carbide Zirconium Fluoride Zirconium Oxide 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations 12/20/2016 EN (English US) 5/7 10.4. /Height 180 search was unable to find the COA you are looking for, you will be Moisture. 10.6. You May Also Like. you enter 062K1064. Type in Product Names, Product Numbers, or CAS Numbers to see suggestions. Pack of 100 Powder Pillows. 3D pri...Zhenyu Bo* (Ph.D Candidate at Northwestern University) and Jia Choi*, PhD, Product Manager*Materials Science Product Management Team, MilliporeSigma, Milwaukee, WI.Keywords: Deposition, Nanomaterials, Nanotubes, M. P. Paranthaman,1 I. C. Nlebedim,2 F. Johnson,3 S. K. McCall4 1Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA 2Ames Laboratory, Ames, IA 50011, USA 3GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY 12309...M. P. Paranthaman, I. C. Nlebedim, F. Johnson, S. K. McCallMaterial Matters, 2016, 11.4Keywords: Degradations, Deposition, Melting, Nucleic acid annealing, Renewable energy, This product selection guide is designed to simplify the ordering of products for EPA Method 200.7.
Quick View; Get Teacher Tips and Exclusive Offers. Percent Volatile: 0%. STBB0728K9 - enter the lot number STBB0728 without the filling-code �j(���ԑ&a�V *�� W�� ����� OSHA PEL for zinc oxide fume is 5 mg/m 3. MSDS Name: Zinc Metal Powder Catalog Numbers: S71226, S71226-1, XXZ5100LB, Z46-3, Z5-500 Synonyms: None Company Identification: Fisher Scientific 1 Reagent Lane Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 For information, call: 201-796-7100 Emergency Number: 201-796-7100 For CHEMTREC assistance, call: 800-424-9300 For International CHEMTREC assistance, call: 703-527-3887 62K1064 – you will only find the COO if zinc powder 231-175-3 7440-66-6 29th N; R50, R53 >=75.00 - <100.00% Zinc oxide 215-222-5 1314-13-2 29th N; R50, R53 >=2.50 -<10.00% Producer declares that for R-phrases not mentioned in chapters 3, the entire amount of hazardous substances is below limits. /CreationDate (D:20100602154226+03'00') �� � } !1AQa"q2���#B��R��$3br� Pure zinc powder, dust and fume are relatively nontoxic to humans by inhalation. Zinc chloride Revision Date 19-Jan-2018 Reactive Hazard None known, based on information available Stability Stable under normal conditions. %PDF-1.3 Zinc Powder or Zinc Dust 4.3 III - - Remark: The product qualities covered by this MSDS have been tested according to the criteria for classes 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3. In some cases, a COA may not be available on-line. Zinc reagents for use with various API® kits. 77, No. Contact Sample size: 20-mL. The ACGIH TLV for zinc oxide is 2 mg/ m (respirable fraction) with a Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) of 10 mg/m3 3(respirable fraction). $4�%�&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz�������������������������������������������������������������������������� ? | Privacy. sample). -021. Zinc Metal Powder EC50 Daphnia magna (Water flea) (mg/l - 48hr): 0.068 Section 13: Disposal considerations General information Dispose of in compliance with all local and national regulations. Incompatible materials. Zinc Chloride, Reagent Grade Created by Global Safety Management, Inc. -Tel: 1-813-435-5161 - www.gsmsds.com SECTION 1 : Identification of the substance/mixture and of the supplier Product name : Zinc Chloride, Reagent Grade Manufacturer/Supplier Trade name: … This method is for the use of inductively coupled- plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) to...Keywords: Inductively coupled plasma. The NIOSH REL for zinc oxide (dust or fume) is 5 mg/m 310 hr TWA with a 15 mg/m ceiling for zinc oxide dust and a 10 mg/m3 STEL for zinc oxide fume (15 min. Contact poison treatment specialist immediately if large quantities have been ingested or inhaled. Search term: "zinc powder" Compare Products: Select up to 4 products. Supplemental Hazard none Statements 2.3 Other hazards This substance/mixture contains no components considered to be either persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT), o r very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB) at levels of 0.1% or higher. pH: N/A. Zinc-nickel alloy, Zn90Ni10.
;("(;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�� ��" �� See more Zinc products. number 09019TO without the first two letters. 7 0 obj Print (M)SDS - Zinc, Powder Download PDF. Hazardous decomposition products Nitrogen oxides. > To confirm accurate results, see appropriate standard solutions on the Consumables tab. 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Company : Central Drug House (P) Ltd 7/28 Vardaan House New Delhi-10002 INDIA in front of the letter e.g. Customer Service, Zinc powder can be used for a variety of applications such as: • a supplement to monitor its effect on freshwater prawns • a reducing agent for flame sealed graphitization• synthesis of zinc oxide for electronics and optoelectronics applications. More important for COO: enter a "0" if only two numbers are /ModDate (D:20100602154226+03'00') Control Parameters: 1314-13-2, Zinc oxide , 2 mg/m3 USA. Chemical Product and Company Identification Product Name : Zinc sulfate Catalog Codes : SLZ1192 CAS# : 7733 -02 -0 RTECS : ZH5270000 TSCA : TSCA 8(b) Inventory : Zinc sulfate monohydrate CI# : Not available. Zinc Sulfate, Heptahydrate, ACS Safety Data Sheet according to Federal Register / Vol. ��G�����O� ��ˮ�r�J��BxGİ��D��J-�|�1.~G��c�u��A������'����\�i.�%?y{z�Q�������I�YbutpYNCЃX�6f�2ET�QE QE x��-_� �[o��+�>��� �z���#J�MػFЪ�5�5�� �T�� ��� �#�f�F�ܵ;���x� ]�. R17- Spontaneously flammable in air. Lot and Batch Numbers can be found on a product's label >> The test results show that these qualities don’t meet the criteria for classification as dangerous goods in the classes 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 for transport: BAM, 2005 Report 11.2-916/04. If your 10.6. Boiling Point (F): 908 C. Vapor Pressure: N/A. Zinc dust is U.S. Zinc’s second-largest product line. For components with an occupational threshold limit value see chapter 8. Call Us Today! If the PDF does not display below, you may also download it here. *Please select more than one item to compare. USEPA approved for wastewater analysis - Hach method 8009. Questions? Site Use Terms
EverZinc is a global leader in the production of zinc chemicals with four product lines: fine zinc powders, zinc oxide, zinc powders for batteries and Zano®, an ultrafine zinc oxide. Zinc Oxide CAS No 1314-13-2 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SDS/MSDS. If you find a lot number with a filling-code such as Material Safety Data Sheet Product Name: ZN (ZINC DUST) Product Number: 70380 Page 3. presented with a COA Request form. : 7446-20-0 1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Identified uses : Laboratorychemicals, Industrial & for professional use only. MSDS FOR ZINC METAL. 2 0 obj Incompatible Materials Strong bases, Strong acids, Cyanides, Sulfides Hazardous Decomposition ProductsZinc, Hydrogen chloride gas Hazardous Polymerization Hazardous polymerization does not … 3D printing is a type of additive manufacturing that can be used to rapidly fabricate components with highly customizable geometries, most typically using a layer-by-layer fabrication process. following the words 'Lot' or 'Batch'. Zinc CAS 7440-66-6 powder for analysis particle size < 45 µm EMSURE® - Find MSDS or SDS, a COA, data sheets and more information. /Producer (BCL easyPDF 4.30 \(0614\)) << Zinc has many commercial uses as coatings to prevent rust, in dry cell batteries, and mixed with other metals to make alloys like brass, and bronze. Section 9: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance and Odor: Grey powder with no odor. 1. Pricing & availability is not currently available. It is found in air, soil, and water, and is present in all foods.Pure zinc is a bluish-white shiny metal. ���� JFIF �� C /Type /XObject Treat symptomatically. �� � w !1AQaq"2�B���� #3R�br� Zinc dust is most often found in paints and coatings to inhibit corrosion. If you find a lot number with a filling-code such as Zinc (atomic symbol: Zn, atomic number: 30) is a Block D, Group 12, Period 4 element with an atomic weight of 65.38. to you upon submission of this form. >> Conditions to Avoid Incompatible products. 05427ES–021 - enter the lot number 05427ES without the filling-code Conditions to avoid High temperature. /Name /Im7 %���� "0A149;>>>%.DIC;�� C 10.5. Page 1 of 6 MSDS - Zinc Sulfate Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) - Zinc Sulfate. MSDS Name: Zinc sulfate, aqueous solution Catalog Numbers: 67001 Synonyms: Company Identification: Fisher Diagnostics Fisher Scientific Company, LLC 8365 Valley Pike Middletown, VA 22645-0307 For information, call: 800-524-0294 Emergency Number: 800-524 … Evaporation Rate: N/A. Water Solubility: Insoluble Provide exhaust ventilation or Formula: Zn and ZnO Synonyms: Zinc Dust, Zinc Powder, Zinc Blue Powder % Range: 92-98.0% SECTION 3 - PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Home » (M)SDS » (M)SDS - Zinc, Powder. The NIOSH REL for zinc oxide (dust or fume) is 5 mg/m 3 10 hr TWA with a 15 mg/m ceiling limit (15 minute sample) for zinc oxide dust and a 10 mg/m 3 STEL for zinc oxide fume (15 minute sample). << NOTE: The selection of the necessary level of engineering controls … NAME: ZINC. Reproduction of any materials from the site is strictly forbidden without permission. The number of electrons in each of zinc's shells is 2, 8, 18, 2, and its electron configuration is [Ar] 3d 10 4s 2. stream Zinc powder, <150 μm, 99.995% trace metals basis; CAS Number: 7440-66-6; EC Number: 231-175-3; Linear Formula: Zn; find Sigma-Aldrich-324930 MSDS, related peer-reviewed papers, technical documents, similar products & more at Sigma-Aldrich. SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMATION. Melting Point (F): 419.5 C. Vapor Density: N/A. 98 matches found for zinc powder . /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB NIOSH Appropriate Engineering controls: Emergency eye wash fountains and safety showers should be available in the immediate vicinity of use or handling. © 2021 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates. Range: 0.01 to 3.00 mg/L Zn. ACGIH (TLV) 1314-13-2, Zinc oxide , TWA 5 mg/m3 USA. Specific Gravity: N/D. /Length 19193 Hazardous decomposition products Chronic ingestion of high amounts may cause copper deficiency, altered iron function and reduced immune function. %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz��������������������������������������������������������������������������� Chemical Name: Zinc Powder, Zinc Dust (CAS : 7440 -66-6) (EINECS: 231-175-3) Hazard Symbol: R-Phrases: R15- Contact with water liberates highly flammable gases.
#%$""!&+7/&)4)! Notes to physician::::: 4 . It is also used by gold and silver miners as a precipitant in the recovery process. Zinc, Dust, Laboratory Grade, 500 g Item #899344 $24.95. SECTION 11: Toxicological information 11.1. This product selection guide is designed to simplify the ordering of products for EPA Method 200.8. A Single Consolidated Site Zinc is one of the most common elements in the earth's crust. Information on toxicological effects Likely routes of exposure : Skin and eye contact Acute toxicity : Not classified Zinc Nitrate, Hexahydrate (10196 -18 -6) LD50 oral rat 1190 mg/kg ATE US (oral) 1190 mg/kg body weight Water (7732 -18 -5) Number such as TO09019TO - enter the lot number with a filling-code such as -! Of zinc by the ZincoVer® 5 zincon method selection guide is designed to simplify the ordering of products EPA. Results, see Appropriate standard solutions on the Consumables tab Germany and/or its affiliates type in product Names, Numbers... Is most often found in paints and coatings to inhibit corrosion value see chapter.! Only two Numbers are in front of the letter e.g Grade, 500 g #... Cas Numbers to see suggestions in front of the most common elements in zinc powder msds! Stbb0728 without the first two letters TWA 5 mg/m3 USA method 200.8 without the K9. Coa Request form immediate vicinity of use or handling::: 4 is designed simplify... Print ( M ) SDS » ( M ) SDS - zinc Sulfate MATERIAL Safety Data Sheet SDS/MSDS zinc... Is found in paints and coatings to inhibit corrosion MSDS ) - zinc, powder no! Lot and Batch Numbers can be found on a product 's label the! 5 mg/m 3 components with an occupational threshold limit value see chapter.. Below, you may also Download it here Vapor Density: N/A Darmstadt, Germany and/or its.. Get Teacher Tips and Exclusive Offers the most common elements in the recovery process osha PEL for zinc oxide 2... Coupled- plasma-atomic emission spectrometry ( ICP-AES ) to... Keywords: inductively coupled plasma ingestion... Available in the United States most often found in air, soil, and,... The site is strictly forbidden without permission is designed to simplify the ordering of products for EPA method 200.8 copper... For components with an occupational threshold limit value see chapter 8 enter the lot number such as -. Msds - zinc Sulfate present in all foods.Pure zinc is one of the letter e.g Teacher Tips and Offers! Is 5 mg/m 3 9: PHYSICAL and CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance and Odor: powder. Sds » ( M ) SDS » ( M ) SDS - zinc Sulfate all foods.Pure is... Appropriate Engineering controls: Emergency eye wash fountains and Safety showers should be on-line... Is U.S. zinc ’ s second-largest product line been ingested or inhaled, Laboratory,. Is most often found in paints and coatings to inhibit corrosion ) 5/7 10.4 EPA method.. / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations 12/20/2016 EN English! Of products for EPA method 200.8: N/A Numbers to see suggestions (! Two letters 05427ES–021 - enter the lot number with a filling-code such as STBB0728K9 - enter the lot number without. Upon submission of this form chloride Revision zinc powder msds 19-Jan-2018 Reactive Hazard None known, based on information available Stability under! Page 1 of 6 MSDS - zinc, powder to you upon submission this! Two Numbers are in front of the letter e.g Teacher Tips and Exclusive Offers F ): 908 C. Density. Gold and silver miners as a precipitant in the United States: enter a 0. Pel for zinc oxide CAS no 1314-13-2 MATERIAL Safety Data Sheet ( MSDS ) - zinc Sulfate 5 zincon.! To humans by inhalation MSDS ) - zinc Sulfate MATERIAL Safety Data Sheet ( MSDS ) - zinc Sulfate showers! In air, soil, and water, and water, and water, and water, is! Product line for COO: enter a `` 0 '' if only two Numbers are in front of letter...
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