Shiba tells Haru that the Rave hasn't accepted Haru as the Rave Master. Thus the Rave of Truth accepts him as the Rave Master. Haru tells Natsu that he won't let him go after Elie, and they begin to battle. In earlier episodes, Elie wears a white tank top with red singlets with a heart cross mark design at the center of her tank top, blue denim … Somente o poder que as criou pode fundi-las em uma só, quando isso acontece o verdadeiro proposito e poder será revelado. Musica forged Ravelt for Haru when he discovers that a tenth and final form of the Ten Commandments was never made for Haru, using a piece of his Silver and some tiring blacksmith skills, he succeeded in making the sword. Haru Glory (ハル・グローリー, Haru Gurōrī) is the main protagonist of the Rave Master series. Haru does pick up on sword skills as the story progresses, but it's clear that after two years, he's still nowhere near as skilled as Shiba was with his 50+ years of experience. Haru Gurōrī Mais tarde, ele leva o cão para fora em uma Ten Commandments: The main weapon of the Rave Master which was carried by Shiba Roses for 50 years before the Rave chose Haru as the new successor. As Haru tries to fight them, Let intervenes and challenges Haru to a duel. Unlike the rest of the town his house was unfrozen, after entering the forge Haru finds Musica collapsed on the floor with Niebel and Galien looking over him. Upon arriving at Hip Hop Island, Haru befriends a girl named Elie, who has no recollection of her past. One day, when he was out fishing, he pulls out a weird creature out of the waters. In response to this, he goes down to the track to end the horrible excuse for entertainment. As they argue, the boss intervenes and fixes the pot and leaves with his gang. Leve seus fandoms favoritos com você e fique por dentro de tudo. He who holds the sword must next become the master Seeking out the stones with a carrot nosed dog! Haru Glory é o segundo Rave Master, ele nasceu na Ilha Garagem em 7 de julho de 0050, filho de Gale Glory e Sakura Glory, seu pai partiu de sua casa em uma jornada a procura das Rave quando Haru tinha apenas 4 anos e pouco tempo depois sua mãe veio a falecer o deixando sobre os cuidados de sua irmã mais velha chamada Cattleya Glory e uma criatura estranha chamada Nakajima. Having enough, and realizing Haru being near Elie is saving her, Sieg performs his ultimate spell on Haru and makes Haru see a vision of his mother and sister in horrible manners. Realizing what he just said Haru becomes really embarrassed, but Elie agrees to go with him. He is on a world quest to find the other Raves in order to destroy the Dark Brings and bring peace to the world. Birthplace He then learns about Lucia from Sieg but Haru doesn't care about Lucia being King's son, and thus he should be Haru's mortal enemy, but rather, Haru hates him for making Elie cry, with this, he declares that he will defeat Lucia. The first one to reach the gang is Asura of Darkness who captures Elie inside a tiny sphere. Ao misturar a Rune Save com a Mel Force Haru tem a habilidade de criar um tunel sobre liquidos permitindo assim sua passagem. Outside they see a dense mist that appeared to be absorbing the memories of everybody. Suddenly, pouring out of the core, came armies of golem soldiers and Haru and the gang, ready for the fight, commenced to hack their way through them to keep the airship on its designated path. Shuda falls as well but manages to grab the ledge and hang on. Wasting no time he smacks him out of the air but Asura only gets up and reveals his true form which is the large body of a demon whose skin is covered in Dark Bring, each with their own ability. Haru is a teenage boy who grew up on a small island called Galage Island. The Decaforce Sword (Ten Commandments) was created and formed by Galein Musica, storing each form within Rave's memory, as he forged the next. Haru, completely oblivious to all of this, fishes out Plue, who is a being that can point the Rave Master to every Rave stone, and is met by the old Rave Master, Shiba. The scene in the anime occurs before the racetrack. But she didn't really die, it was a fake death and she cut her hair thus relinquishing the title of Resha. The airship was headed for the core of the Stellar Memory which is causing the increased wind flow. Ten Commandments: The main weapon of the Rave Master which was carried by Shiba Roses for 50 years before the Rave chose Haru as the new successor.Haru's special power is Rave (also known as Holy Bring), but it's connected to the huge sword he carries, known as the Decaforce Sword, Ten Commandments, which he received from Shiba after learning that he was the new Rave Master. "murcho", como Haru gostava de chamá-lo. While Shiba and Feber (the Shadow Guard lackey) fight, Shiba discovers that Rave will no longer respond to him. Sumário: Haru Glory (ハル・グローリー Haru Gurōrī?) Episode 1 Haru jets forward and catches sight of Asura. Garage Island Special Skills At their home, they see Nakajima (a sunflower-like creature that lives on the side of their house) how even he is shocked by the appearance of the strange-looking dog. The Raregroove army were able to push back the Symphonia army to the point of retreat, but while the Raregroove army cashes the remains of the Symphonia, Haru finds an injured soldier and tries to carry him to safety. Seeking revenge on Demon Card, Haru and Plue set off on a journey to find the missing Rave stones. As if to answer their thoughts a great blast of energy rose into the sky and within it appeared the Hero, Haru Glory, resurrected by the Stellar Memory. I wanted to make a nice AMV about Elie and Haru but I culdn't find any music which fits. Japanese Voice The Ten Commandments is named such because the main piece of Rave gives the sword the power to take on 9 other forms, while the original form was made by blacksmith Galein Musica. Personal Status In his rage over Koala's disregard for human life, Haru makes Koala realize his love for machines is only because of his own body's frailty. Haru can combine his sword abilities to create a variety of effects: The most commonly used combination technique. Ela também é mortal contra seres malignos podendo derrotar eles facilmente ao entrar em contado com ela. As the rest of the room was cheering Julia on, Haru lies on the ground begging her to stop. He is the heir to Rave, the only one capable of wielding it and destroying Dark Bring. Depois de uns acontecimentos Shiba Then as he is nearly victor and stops King with the Mel Force, King turns into a mad beast and it takes Gale and Haru to barely defeat him. so she picked up her staffed and released Etherion. Blood type: A. He promises her that he would always protect her at the expense of his own life. As Haru continues to travel, he and Elie find a large mine that the Demon Card are excavating. Its main piece connects to 1st form "Eisenmeteor", which is the sword's default form of the Decaforce Sword, Ten Commandments, which he received from Shiba after learning that he was the new Rave Master. View here. Shuda braves Megido's Flame to deal a mortal blow and the ground crumbles beneath him, sending him into a pit of lava. As Haru and Musica try to figure out what is going on, Demon Card lackeys appear and together, the two fight them off. Espada incrivelmente destrutiva que poda cortar coisas muito Shiba tells Haru that he is the second Rave Master, entrusting the Ten Commandments sword, Plue and his Rave to him. morte. Haru was chosen as the second generation Rave Master by Rave. Armed with the magical Decaforce Sword, Haru joins forces with Elie, a spunky girl trying to remember her forgotten past, and a lovable creature named Plue. Lucia calls this world a wrong world that shouldn't exist because of all the hatred and evil in it. Haru vowed to take revenge on Demon Card after that.[1]. The naked Haru then goes up to Elie to confess his feelings, but just when Haru was about to tell her his feelings, fire comes from Elie's mouth as a side effect of the alcohol Julia gave her. As he ran, he fell in a hole and met Hole, a girl who helped people out of the city who the Demon Card hated. The replica of the sword Ravelt can be seen atop a brick wall, adorned with ribbons of flowers over the crew at their wedding. However, Haru is further beaten by him so he passes out. As Megido is about to utterly destroy Haru's body, Shuda appears to save him and challenges Megido. O mangá foi publicado no Japão pela Kodansha em 35 volumes e o anime consiste em 51 episódios Esse anime se tornou sucesso facilmente e em sua primeira exibição durante uma feira de animes, o anime despertou o interesse de vária companhias de licenciamento e emissoras, sua história possui lutas incríveis.