They also have relatively large lips in comparison to other Apistogramma. It contains important information about order fulfillment time, shipping speed, and other pertinent details. Per il commercio acquariofilo ne sono state selezionate numerose varietà, come 'sunset', 'double red', 'triple red… Apistogramma agassizii, or the Agassizi’s Dwarf Cichlid, is arguably one of the most popular species of the Apistogramma genus. Males have longer, pointed fins and typically more color. An adult male Apistogramma agassizii "Red Tail" - this is an aquarium strain that has been developed through captive breeding. I HAVE BOTH MALE AND FEMALES AVAILABLE. Males are particularly colorful, boasting incredible bright red-orange coloration on the ample dorsal fin as well as the tail. With a maximum size of around 3” for the males (females stay even smaller), this isn’t exactly the largest cichlid out there. I have 5 females and one male in this 20 gallon long natural setup along with some endlers. Often kept in the same aquarium with Angelfish. They require plenty of open swimming areas but also need hiding places. Now that the fry have grown out some I can see the results of the pairing of the wild type with the double red type. Double reds have red dorsal and tail fins with some black markings. These would be a good choice for a centerpiece or showstopper fish in a tank. This variation is tank-raised and has been bred for its brilliant red coloration within the dorsal and caudal fins. Questions are will there be issues with my other fish? This variation is tank-raised and has been bred for its brilliant red coloration within the dorsal and caudal fins. Click on the picture to see a bigger picture. A sandy substrate is necessary due to their earth-eating habits. "Double Red" fish exhibit strongly colored ocelli in both the caudal fin (tail) and the dorsal fin. Bitaeniata Curutu Apistogramma bitaeniata curutu. Males have large spines and fin extensions on the dorsal and caudal fins. The type locality was originally given incorrectly as Paramaribo, Suriname but this was later amended by Kullander to the “Amazon River basin, between 69°W and 71°W”. Baenschi Apistogramma baenschi. The Apistogramma agassizi is known in the hobby as the Double Full Red Agassizi Cichlid which originates within the Amazon Basin of South America. 2 to 2.5 in. They require good water conditions, and regular water changes are a must. Fry are guarded by one or both parents for several weeks. 1" JUVENILE APISTOGRAMMA CACATUOIDES DOUBLE RED DWARF CICHLID THESE FISH WILL BE STUNNING! A fine gravel to sand substrate is recommended. *Gift Certificate promotion applies to New Auto Delivery sign up subscribers. The cockatoo cichlid has many colour variations such as the full red, double red, triple red, super red and orange. Apistogramma cacatuoides was first mentioned and described in 1951. The Double Full Red Agassizi Cichlid should be kept in an aquarium that is 30 gallons minimum, with densely planted groupings. The body of these fish is elongated with a dark horizontal stripe. Baenschi with fry Apistogramma baenschi female with fry. Sign In The Platinum Double Red Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma cacatuoides) is an incredible color morph of its parent species. $17.00 shipping. Since they have been kept for m… FREE SHIPPING on qualifying aquarium supplies orders $29 and up. We sell the best freshwater tropical fish, aquarium plants, fish food & supplies. Happy Apistogramma Care The Apistogramma cacatuoides has it origins in the Amazon basin in Peru and Brazil, South America. The Apistogramma agassizi is known in the hobby as the Double Full Red Agassizi Cichlid which originates within the Amazon Basin of South America. Apistogramma - Dwarf Double Scarlet Red Agassizi Cichlid. Apistogramma agassizii ‘Double Red’, for example, sports a bright red tail fin. Remarks: Apistogramma agassizii is a dwarf cichlid from South America. Shipping: $0.00. Apistogramma Cacatuoides is a dwarf cichlid. Compatibility: Schooling fish, plecos, small catfish, livebearers, rainbowfish. Apistogramma cacatuoides – Female Fry coloration. *****, To add this product to your wish list you must Copyright © 2021, LiveAquaria®. In color, the female is quite dull but with a clear black line running along her flanks. Apistogramma trifasciata The “tri” in trifasciata stands for “three,” and in this case, it’s the three striped Apisto variation. Some specimens also have this coloration on the anal fin, constituting "triple red" status. Double Red Agassizii Apistogramma Dwarf Cichlid Pictures: A young male. Double Red Cacatoudies $45.00. The fry will be free swimming within seven to ten days, at which time they should be fed newly hatched brine shrimp. The terms "Double Red" and Triple Red" are often confusing. Create an account, To add this product to your wish list you must. They are polychromatic, meaning that even among a single spawn, you may find individuals that vary in color (such as white versus yellow tails). The body of these fish is elongated with a dark horizonta Anyway my lfs has just gotten in some apistogramma: cacatuoides, agassizii double red, and trifasciata blue. Apistogramma Inka (Wild) (Pair) Regular price $75.00 — Sold Out. $19.95 shipping. Please contact us if you wish to order this product. SKU 775-934 Category Dwarf New World Cichlids Tags Aggassiz's Dwarf Cichlid, Apistogramma Agassizi, Biotodoma agassizi, Geophagus agassizi, Mesops agassizi $ 39.00. They come in many color forms including red, gold, and blue and, depedning upon where they originate geographically may have considerably varying colors and patterning. size. One gift certificate per household. The tank should be furnished with several caves or nooks to protect and spawn in. Note that this male has a very slight expression of ocellation in the anal fin. They grow up to 2.8 in. Sign up for Auto Delivery to Receive a $20 Gift Certificate. The dwarf cichlids is found in the Amazon, Ucayali, Solimões Rivers basin, in River, in Brazil and Bolivia. Double Full Red Agassizii Dwarf Cichlid, Male. Agassizii Double Red Apistogramma agassizii double red. Maximum size: … These can be different backwaters, springs and the bottom of these waters is covered with thick layer of leaves. Microgeophagus Ramirezi (Gold) Quantity. -Apistogramma double red Agassizi $40.00-Apistogramma nijessni $50.00-Apistogramma Curutu agassizi Peru $45.00Wild-Apistogramma triple red cacatoudies $45.00-Apistogramma cacatoudies double red $40.00-Apistogramma rio mamore cacatoudies $45.00 wild-Apistogramma Apache $45.00-Apistogramma baenschi $50.00-Apistogramma hoigeni $45.00 Remarks: Apistogramma agassizii is a dwarf cichlid from South America. Dwarf Cacatuoides are a beautiful sight in Triple Red color, although they can be found in Double Reds, Triple Reds, and Orange Flash colors, as well. Freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex, flake food, and both frozen and live brine shrimp and worms will make excellent food for these fish. All rights reserved. Dither fish such as small tetras and livebearers can be used to provide parents with targets to chase. The Double Red Agassizi's Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma cf. 9 watching. Its natural habitat consists of a soft-sandy substrate with dead roots and branches sticking out providing the fish with plenty of hiding spots. Breeding is achieved by feeding live baby brine shrimp to an adult pair and providing a proper tank setup. Young male Apistogramma cacatuoides "Double Red". Double Red Cockatoo Cichlid Apistogramma cacatuoides Inhabiting slow moving waters, the cockatoo cichlid is famous for its striking fiery dorsal fin and intense beauty; growing to approximately 2-3 inches. APISTOGRAMMA CACATUOIDES DOUBLE RED DWARF CICHLIDS +++JUVENILLES++++ $29.99. $24.00. The cockatoo cichlid (Apistogramma cacatuoides) is sometimes known as the big mouth cichlid because of its large mouth. The Flame Red Dwarf Agassizii Cichlid, as its name suggests, is a fiery red color variant of the Apistogramma cichlid. Depending on the season the water parameters may differ sufficiently, since the fallen leaves w… After fertilization, the male then leaves the brood for the female to tend to. Agassizii Red Tail Apistogramma agassizii Red Tail. We apologize, we do not stock this product. Apistogramma triple red cacatuoides. The Double Full Red Agassizi Cichlid is an egg layer that prefers to spawn within a cave. The leading 3 or 4 hard rays are elongated, and the ventral fins are clear. Although a semi-aggressive fish, they are also timid and should not be housed with large, aggressive fish. Double Red Agassizi Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma agassizi ‘double red’) $ 14.99 One of the most popular dwarf cichlids in the hobby, Apistgramma agassizi (also known as Agassiz’s Dwarf Cichlid) is an attractive and interesting addition to smaller community aquarium. Some populations exhibit notable differences in colour patterning. In most cases, Special Products such as this would arrive within 1-2 weeks. agassizii) is an extremely colorful variant of this superspecies. googling, it is unclear weather I would be better off with a pair, or two males of a different species that don't look like each other. Once the female has laid her eggs, the male will follow to fertilize them. The male is more colorful than the female, usually with red/orange dorsal and caudal fins. They do have dark, striking horizontal stripes along the body and vibrant blue fins. Sono diventati rapidamente uno dei ciclidi nani preferiti da molti acquariofili e oggi sono probabilmente i più popolari degli Apistogramma. *FREE SHIPPING on qualifying aquatic life orders $149 and up. *****Please review our Shipping and Handling FAQ prior to placing your order. APISTOGRAMMA JUVENILE PAC MAN D12 DWARF CICHLIDS +++AMAZING COLOR++++ $69.99. Hundreds of articles to help you with your aquarium. Apistogramma agassizii is a more docile species of apistos - easy to breed and kept in warmer waters. ‘Super Red’ has a light belly and red back and fins, while ‘Cuipeua’ is appreciated for its electric yellows and blues. in total length. pairs $ 12.50 Microgeophagus Ramirezi (Gold) Cart Info. Price: $17.50. The species is currently considered widespread throughout much of the upper Amazon basinfrom the ríos Ucayali and Amazonas in Peru to the Solimões in western Brazil. Some areas might even have leaf litter at various stages of decomposition. This fish is found in the upper Meta River drainage system consisting of the Guaytiquía and Metica rivers and the Orinoco river basin all through northern Columbia and parts of Venezuela. or Diet: Small flake or pellet, small frozen or live foods. Agassizii are typically quite dimorphic with the male being larger and more colorful than females, making them easy to sex. The tank. Apistogramma Cacatuoides Double Red These are amazing little dwarf cichlids. The Double Full Red Agassizi Cichlid is a carnivore, and will consume a wide variety of foods. Not valid on previous orders. The Flame Red Dwarf Agassizii Cichlid develops deep red orange fins giving it a striking appearance. It is a smaller dwarf cichlid with a pale, yellow-gold body with purplish maroon coloration on its back/dorsal area. Consequently, the water is soft and slightly acidic. Steindancher first discovered agassizii in 1875. Plants are rare and … The remainder of the type serieswas collected variously from the municipality of Codajás (Amazonas state), Curupira, near Barcelos municipality (Amazonas), Lake Maximo near Parintins city (Amazonas) and the rio Poti, a tribu… The pretty and vibrant coloring of the Agassiz's Dwarf Cichlid Apistogramma agassizii is one of their feature attractions and helps make them one of the most popular choices for many aquarists. They are popular due to the wide variety of color patterns that exist in the hobby, including Double Red, Fire Red, and various wild-types. Cacatuoides Orange Flash Apistogramma cacatuoides Orange Flash. This is a Dwarf Cichlid species from the Amazon Rainforest. Adult males have a great deal of red finnage as well as blue, violet, and yellow coloration along the body! 23 watching. With today's selective breeding you can find Double Red, Triple Red and Orange Flash varieties. It can be difficult to breed this fish because the females need a group of males to choose from; they cannot be … They are popular due to the wide variety of color patterns that exist in the hobby, including Double Red, Fire Red, and various wild-types. Quantity. Apistogramma Trifasciata Live Freshwater Aquarium Fish. There are several commercially bred species available such as the Double or Tripple Red. Request order for the Apistogramma cacatuoides double red. Apistogramma cacatuoides is one of the Apisto's that can be found in many different color forms. Product in stock. ... Fire red, double red, super fire red, tefe, and tefe blue are a few examples. Variations of this strain are sold under many different names. $17.00 shipping. Many of the fry have some display of red in their caudal fin. They are a fast growing species, and the fry will reach sexual maturity in about five months. Excludes Frozen Foods. Females will turn bright orange with black fins during breeding dress. Also, not interested in breeding at this point. Apistogramma Agassizii Double Red (Pair) Regular price $50.00 Apistogramma Cacatuoides Orange Flash (Pair) Regular price $45.00 — Sold Out. The lectotype originates from Lake Manacapurú in Amazonas state, northwestern Brazil, just upstream from the city of Manaus and fed by the main Amazon river channel. Triple Red fish express the ocelli in the anal fin as well. However, there is one male that is three times the size of the others who has a lyretail with a great deal of red. Origin. Apistogramma cacatuoides can be housed in a tank of 80cm in length, as a minimal requirement better would be 100cm. Cichlid caves, overturned flower pots, and leaf litter work well. The fish prefers small shallow streams or lagoon-like waters mainly in Amazon River tributaries. Gift certificate will be emailed to qualifying customers after Auto Delivery order has been shipped and will expire 30 days from date of issue. Apistogramma - Dwarf Double Scarlet Red Agassizi Cichlid quantity. If you wish we can order this item for you. Product in stock. Apistogramma cacatuoides (A200-203) is a popular dwarf cichlid found in Peru, Brazil, and Colombia. To an adult Pair and providing a proper tank setup Red agassizii Apistogramma Cichlid! Has laid her eggs, the male being larger and more colorful females! Caudal fins super Red and orange Flash varieties arrive within 1-2 weeks: Schooling fish, aquarium plants, food! There be issues with my other fish dwarf Cichlid found in many different color forms is. The ventral fins are clear a carnivore, and Regular water changes are few. A clear black line running along her flanks purplish maroon coloration on the anal fin constituting. The Full Red, and other pertinent details ( tail ) and the bottom of these is! Baby brine shrimp and worms will make excellent food for these fish Agassizi is known in Amazon. 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