I've literally just created an account here so that I could give praise to this beautiful game. Toki Tori 2+ (Switch) Review. Toki Tori inhabits a beautiful island made up of wildlife and natural barriers. For fans who want something outside the box and truly unique, Toki Tori 2+ is a must-own on Switch. Read our review. Trouvez la Nintendo Switch Mario moins cher avec notre comparatif en ligne gratuit en temps réel. Rien de plus facile, des partages sociaux aux clics sur nos liens en passant par des dons, découvrez comment nous aider à pérenniser notre activité ou nous faire un don. A clear lack of third-party support is mostly to blame, but not having original, must-own titles is also a problem. So, it seems like there should be plenty of… Mélangez tout cela et vous pourrez créer un point de sauvegarde où bon vous semble (nouveauté de cette version Nintendo Switch), entre autres. We wholeheartedly recommend that you head to the eShop and give Toki Tori 2+ a download. Review. Truly a very recommended title for … Il faudra apprivoiser les créatures de l’environnement et les piaillements du volatile jaune pour parvenir à sauver son mode d’une apocalypse qui semble pourtant inévitable au début. I honestly didn't know much about the series before, just kept seeing it on the eShop until I decided to give the original a try. But every step of the way, the game delighted me with something new Cela ne rend pas les puzzles plus simples mais cela peut aider à ne pas recommencer le même début de puzzle encore et encore juste parce que l’on rate le timing de la dernière étape. Toki Tori 2+ still has its share of issues. Being a great puzzle game for the switch. Don't be fooled by Toki Tori's cute, "kiddish" charm. A gruelling puzzle-adventure, with so much hidden depth and challenge that hardcore gamers will rejoice from the rooftops. Posted by Marlon Esmeralda Mar - 2 - 2018 Nintendo Switch. Short and quick game sessions work great here. Le timing étant important pour que votre héros puisse passer en sécurité ou pour empêcher qu’un oiseau emporte vos outils de résolution vers son nid. Avec ses deux petites actions à son répertoire, le petit héros pourra réaliser de grandes choses et avec votre aide résoudre des énigmes de plus en plus coriaces. For instance, one of the early encounters that you have is with a crab in a box. © 2021 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Les résultats de vente sont malheureusement décevants. Toki Tori 2+ est disponible sur l’eShop de la Nintendo Switch depuis le 23/02/2018 pour 14,99€ (en promotion à 9,99€ jusqu’au 09/03/2018). Advertisements . Le jeu possède une mécanique à deux boutons très simple. On est souvent impressionné d’avoir pu réussir autant d’actions seulement avec les deux gestes du protagoniste principal. All of these elements help and hinder you in unique ways by learning the behaviours of the various creatures that you encounter. Ce n’est vraiment pas toujours facile mais la satisfaction de réussir un puzzle n’en est que plus grande. This is a side scrolling platformer where you will solve puzzles to progress. Toki Tori Switch Review by SwitchWatch. Developer: Two Tribes Publisher: Two Tribes Platform: Nintendo Switch (eShop) Category: Adventure, Puzzle & Platformer Release Date: 23 rd of February, 2018 (Worldwide) In 2016, beloved developer Two Tribes announced that RIVE would be their last game ever. Version Tested: Nintendo Switch Review copy provided by Two Tribes Publishing. Two Tribes continue de faire vivre et évoluer son poussin préféré dans Toki Tori 2+ sur Nintendo Switch. Un appui court pour une note courte, un appui long pour une note longue. - 13 Critic Reviews, Generally favorable reviews- based on 23 Ratings, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game - Complete Edition. Vous devrez alors siffloter pour attirer l’attention de la grenouille pour la positionner dans le sens qui vous intéresse. [Review] Toki Tori 2+ (Nintendo Switch) March 3, 2018 2:47 am Published by Camjo-Z 1 Comment. For Toki Tori 2 + on the Nintendo Switch, GameFAQs has 1 guide/walkthrough, 1 cheat, and 6 critic reviews. Le bouton A, comme on l’a vu plus haut, vous permet de siffler. We take a quick look at the game to see how well it's been ported to the Switch. Thankfully for gamers, … On a les neurones qui chauffent mais lorsque les éléments s’imbriquent pour nous ouvrir le passage vers une nouvelle zone, la joie et la fierté d’avoir réussi nous envahit, et pour cela ce jeu est l’un des meilleurs de son genre en plus d’être l’un des plus beaux. Twitter; Facebook; Reddit [tab:Review] Simplistic ingenuity. What starts off as a slow puzzle title with no explanation or back story quickly becomes an addicting game that truly spreads its adorable feathers a good 2 hours in. Gemma Young - March 26, 2018. It's very slow and is a puzzle-heavy platformer, which may not appeal to fans who are hoping for a fast-paced platformer. Review Toki Tori 2+. Generally favorable reviews Few will argue that Nintendo’s new console is off to a rocky start. Toki Tori 2+ is by far the most refreshing and fresh game that I have played till date - Stretching more than 30+ hours of gameplay (if you are gunning for 100% achievement) is a welcome for such a great price tag- Best of the lot is despite perplexing gameplay and achievements, Toki Tori doesn't look bland or repetitive at all. Twitter. It’s a puzzle platformer with the core mechanic being that you can’t jump. Any puzzle fan's library would be greatly improved with the addition of this game! Enfin, avec votre aide. Toki Tori 2+ (Switch) Review. Toki Tori 2 est un jeu originellement sorti sur Wii U en avril 2013 puis mis à jour vers la version Toki Tori 2+ en septembre de la même année. Toki Tori 2+ is the follow-up to the original Toki Tori, which was released in 2001. Cette petite escapade de trois ans a fait grandir mon amour pour les jeux indépendants. Rating: E . Toki Tori 2+ Nintendo Switch Edition Review. Toki Tori 2 is a side scrolling, 2D, puzzle-based platformer. Advertisements. Vous désirez en savoir plus sur notre média Switch Fan ? Actualités de la nouvelle console de Big N, review de jeux Switch ou actualités des titres, tous nos contenus sont 100% dédiés à cette console hybride Nintendo ainsi qu’à la nouvelle Nintendo Switch Lite avec un penchant pour la Nintendo Switch édition Animal Crossing. Experience Toki Tori's Epic Puzzle Adventure on the go, for the first time ever! Toki Tori 2+ lets you explore an enthralling forest island and learn magical songs. The improvements and extra things brought to the Switch version make it the most complete and enjoyable way to play it (though the game is also available on PC and PS4). Un exemple qui revient souvent : une charge au sol vous permettra de faire tomber un Berry Bug (animal en forme de baie) qui sera gobé par une grenouille qui passait par là. The difficult progresses naturally, the puzzles themselves will make you think about solutions other than what seem obvious, and the wild card and rewind functions are great for newcomers and veterans alike. Il faudra alors guider plusieurs créatures dans le niveau, pour qu’elles soient à un endroit précis à un moment précis. Le bouton A vous permet de siffler et le bouton B d’effectuer une charge au sol. By. Toki Tori 2+ follows the mold set by great efforts of the genre such as Braid and The Lost Vikings. Originally released on Wii U back in 2013, Toki Tori 2+ is a game that has seen continuous tweaks and improvements with almost every edition released. Truly a very recommended title for … Movement is rather slow, and you cannot jump. It is the follow-up to the 2001 Gameboy Color title, Toki Tori. On pourrait croire que le jeu restera aussi simple que ses contrôles mais en fait on se rend vite compte que les possibilités d’interaction avec l’environnement sont infinies. Thanks for your support, and … To make things a little more difficult is the problem that new and different doesn’t always equate to accessible or great, so innovation is a bit like rocket science. While having certain design errors and lacking variety in creatures to interact with, this little guy proposes an adventure with challenging puzzles that will keep you glued to the screen. Switch. File size: 133.17 MB “Don’t judge a book by its cover.“ You may have encountered this phrase at some point in your life. Post tags. Vous voulez nous soutenir ? Toki Tori 2 has officially landed on the Nintendo Switch system. Fraîchement arrivé sur l’eShop de la Nintendo Switch, le volatile jaune a emmené avec lui la catastrophe de son monde et son envie de résoudre les problème tout seul. Notable Video Game Releases: New and Upcoming, Release Dates for All Notable Upcoming Games, Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. TokiTori 2+ is recommended for those who enjoy a relaxing and creative experience. Toki Tori 2 is a perfect little game for playing over time not only because of the format, but because it’s practically impossible to forget how it plays and how Toki Tori moves. based on Previously released on the Wii U and other platforms, this sequel has now been updated again for the Nintendo Switch. I should have never slept on Toki Tori 2 when it first came out, and if you've been interested on it, but never had the drive to grab it, let this review be the thing that pushes you. However, it is let down by its visuals and sometimes frustratingly slow progression and backtracking due to certain puzzle sections. Advertisements. The difficulty of some puzzles may still be too much for some, but the levels of frustration that plagued earlier releases have been somewhat nullified thanks to new mechanics. Developer: Two Tribes Publisher: Two Tribes Category: Puzzle, Platformer Release Date: 02.28.2018 Toki Tori 2+ from Two Tribes is one of the latest additions to the growing library of puzzle platformers that have come over to the Nintendo Switch to find new life after the Wii U’s low install base failed to provide a large enough audience. Votre poussin ne peut que marcher et amortir ses chutes en battant des ailes donc les animaux du monde seront vos clés pour progresser dans l’aventure. If you have five dollars to spare, definitely give Toki Tori a shot. Toki Tori 2+ is coming to the Nintendo Switch on February 23rd! Birdo It’s easily a must buy for the system if you want a puzzle game to fill your time. This was a game that came out on the WiiU a few years back to very high review scores, so I was shocked that there didn't seem to be much to it. C’est là l’un des défaut du jeu, lorsque vous vous trouvez devant une énigme qui vous dépasse, rien ne viendra vous indiquer ne serait-ce le début de la marche à suivre pour la résoudre. Élevée avec une GameBoy dans une main et une manette SNES dans l'autre, je dois avouer que je n'ai jamais vraiment quitté le petit monde de Big N. J'ai tout de même effectué quelques bêta-tests et reviews de jeux mobiles et multi-plateformes dans une autre vie de rédac' chef. Le monde de Toki Tori, malgré l’arrivée de l’apocalypse qui vous pousse à faire chauffer vos neurones, est un monde très coloré que l’on prend un grand plaisir à parcourir. Toki Tori 2 takes the restriction of stomping and whistling and turns their usage into something so much more elaborate. Toki Tori on the Nintendo Switch is an excellent puzzle game. Release Date: March 30th 2018. 8. Top of the pecking order. Total comments: 2. Facebook. Jeux Switch A la une , Review, Toki Tori 2. When Toki Tori 2+ started, I was pretty taken aback at how simple it seemed. by Jared Rosenberg- March 22, 2018, 9:31 am PDT. Et l’esprit diabolique des développeurs fait qu’on doit souvent trouver de nouvelles façons d’utiliser ses deux actions basiques pour réaliser de bien plus grandes choses. I've literally just created an account here so that I could give praise to this beautiful game. Loved it already, and then read some praise about the second part so I went and bought it too. Les poussins trop mignons sont les rois des puzzle-games. It’s wonderful to see a development team refuse to give up on a title so many years after launch. Consultez l’à propos de notre marque et découvrez les membres de notre équipe. I came to play Toki Tori 2+ with no preconceived ideas about what the game would be like and, with no instructions or tutorial to speak of, I wasn’t entirely sure what it was when I started to play. Big thanks to the team over at Two Tribes for providing us a review copy of Toki Tori for the Nintendo Switch, which can be found in the Nintendo Switch eShop It doesn’t use any Switch-specific features aside from HD rumble. With songs that make up the atmosphere of adventure and fun, the game leaves simple and complex puzzles everywhere and will require that the player has the ability to solve what is proposed to him. Pensez à précommander la console Mario dès maintenant. 1003. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The learning curve is perfect; newcomers to the game will find ways to progress to different exits as they learn more about how the game works, leading to many hours of potential replay-ability. On retrouve notre petit poussin. Review réalisée sur la version 1.0.2 gracieusement offerte par Two Tribes. Toki Tori 2+ is a puzzle platforming game from developers Two Tribes. Bien que la version Nintendo Switch porte le même nom, des nouveautés sont tout de même au programme. Toki Tori 2+: Nintendo Switch Edition is the ultimate version of the second chapter of the series. Now it's become one of my favourite games on the Switch. Developer: Two Tribes. It is the game that just keeps on giving, and with tweaks to perfect the formula, now is the best time to pick it up. Toki Tori 2+ Nintendo Switch. Nintendo Switch Fan est un site de référence sur l’univers de la nouvelle console hybride Nintendo Switch sortie le 3 mars 2017. We wholeheartedly recommend that you head to the eShop and give Toki Tori 2 est d'abord sorti sur le Wiiware de la WiiU en 2014, c'est à dire en téléchargement exclusivement. Anyone who enjoys a challenge and likes games where you can temporarily travel in bubbles should give Toki Tori 2+ a look. Toki Tori 2 could have just as easily been a mobile game style level-based puzzle platformer, which is what the first game was, but instead the dev team thought it would be cool to make the levels connect as a contiguous world of sorts – so that you would have to return to old areas to unlock new ones. On résout les puzzles généralement en interagissant avec les créatures qui sont présentes dans les niveaux. It’s wonderful to see a development team refuse to give up on a title so many years after launch. Review réalisée sur la version 1.0.2 gracieusement offerte par Two Tribes. I thought it was a clever puzzle adventure game, full of a lot of charm and found it easy for anyone to get into. It looks great, sounds great, and plays better than any other iteration of the title to date. From one of the eggs collected in the prequel, this little chick was able to break out of its eggshell. I honestly didn't know much about the series. Extremely innovative and supremely charming, this is a perfect example of how game developers can continue to innovate on the metroidvania genre without necessarily looking towards other games as inspiration. I played the original Toki Tori 2 on the Wii U back in 2013. At HonestGamers, we love reader reviews. Progression and backtracking due to certain puzzle sections of its eggshell désirez en savoir plus sur notre Switch! To be solved ne nous croyez pas c ’ est vraiment pas toujours facile la. Rather slow, and then read some praise about the series travel in bubbles should give Toki Tori inhabits beautiful... Well it 's become one of my favourite games on the go, for the system if want. Original, must-own titles is also a problem a title so many years after launch the various creatures that have... 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