They are highly territorial along with being aggressive. A large aquarium with plenty of caves and hiding places is ideal for these fish. The male Demasoni Cichlid also displays the typical spots on the anal fin and is considerably larger than the female. This makes it harder to keep track of their genders when they are young. The best way to keep this fish is in a group of 12 or more. Frontosa Cichlid – Care, Habitat, Size, Tank Mates & Details! The female of this species is not as brilliantly colored, and lacks the spots on the anal fin. Privacy Policy | SiteMap | Aquarium Dictionary | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact Us. It is on the IUCN Red List because it is deemed vulnerable. The male and female are in T-position during the spawn. Its body is covered with stripes in various shades of blue. Scientific Name: Pseudotropheus demasoni Common Name: Demasoni Cichlid, Midnight Demasoni Adult Size: 3 inches Life Expectancy: 5 years Habitat: Lake Malawi, Africa Minimum Tank Size: 40 gallons Ideal Tank Conditions: Temperature Range: 75.0 to 82.0° F pH Range: 7.6-8.6 Hardness Range: 10 - 18 Temperament: Agressive Diet & Nutrition: Omnivore that needs … But not sure if I have 2 males or if this one is female. Salt can be used to add minerals to the water for these fish. It is easy to take care of when it is small. Scientific Name: Pseudotropheus demasoni Place of Origin: Lake Malawi Adult Size: 2 - 3" Temperament: Aggressive, especially towards other males of the same species. It can happen if the fish is not properly cared for or if the tank conditions are not optimal. The male usually changes colors during breeding. Welcome to CichlidTips. Pictures of male and female cichlids. It should not be kept with other species of fish. Demasoni Cichlid Care - Size, Life Span, Tank Mates, Breeding The jaguar cichlid parachromis managuensis previously cichlasoma managuense is a large semi aggressive and beautiful cichlid that is a popular and fun companion for the more experienced fishkeeperunlike most cichlids the jaguar doesnt present a permenant patterning until it has fully matured and its visuals will change as it ages. It is sharp and beautiful. We have experienced aquarium fish breeders with the main focus on African Cichlids, particularly Lake Malawi Cichlids. The fish is highly aggressive in nature and small in size. The female of this species is not as brilliantly colored, and lacks the spots on the anal fin. If its dietary needs are not met or if it gets too many proteins, it could develop various diseases. Caring for a demasoni cichlid can be hard and is not recommended for a beginner aquarist. The fish can find them while searching for food in their living space. If this does not help, copper needs to be used. The demasoni cichlid can also attract various other diseases that are common to most fish. Dwarf Gourami – Types, Care, Feeding & Other Details. It can only be kept with other demasoni cichlids. High-quality cichlid formulas are usually used to provide the demasoni cichlids with all the required nutrients. They will chase away any other fish from the territory they claim, even if the other fish are bigger than them. Water Parameters : pH 7.4 - 8.4 | dH range: 7 - 30 | Temperature : 73°F - 80°F (23°C - 27°C). It usually resides in rocks, and its diet consists of algae including Aufwuchs. Whether you're … I've had two P. demasoni - one male and one female - for about 2 months. The term mbuna itself means rock-dwelling fish. The male fish becomes highly aggressive during breeding time and can kill other male cichlids. These are algae that are predominantly stringy that is attached to rocks. The female of this species is not as brilliantly colored, and lacks the spots on the anal fin. It is unique fish and a great choice for a home aquarium as long as a few guidelines are followed. The male-to-female ratio in this part of the river is highly mismatched at 1:2. It is referred to as a mouthbrooder and needs to be in a group of at least 12. So, if you plan to keep it an aquarium, too much aggression will lead to fights and may cause many deaths, which can be a total disaster for any novice aquarium-lover. This is to limit any behavioral issues and spread out any male aggression among the group. Gourami Fish – Care, Tank Mates, Types, Habitat & Details! grade 5 9 votes list posted in Cichlids If you like Blue and Yellow (with that color morph between male and female), why not try Pseudotropheus Saulosi and Pseudotropheus Acei? Cichlids become aggressive when they are mating: The dominant male chases other males and his female mate. The male Demasoni Cichlid also displays the typical spots on the anal fin, and is considerably larger than the female. Also, it is difficult to differentiate between males and females. The female can lay around 15 eggs. The female of this species is not as brilliantly colored, and lacks the spots on the anal fin. The fish would be adversely affected by bad water conditions. If a fish gets ich, it can be treated by increasing the water temperature to 30 degrees Celsius for three days. He will circle the female and take her to his territory to start the process. It is derived from the language of the people of Malawi. While this is the bread and butter of our business we have expanded to the breeding of all types of Cichlids including Victorian and Tanganyikan Cichlids. Male cichlid - Demasoni species? Breeding a demasoni cichlid is considered easy. It is also referred by other names such as midnight demasoni and the dwarf mbuna. The Demanson's Cichlid Pseudotropheus demasoni is an extremely sharp looking African cichlid. Come one come all cichlid lovers. Fourth from the top a mature 4" long male. They should not be kept with any fish that might have identical hues, bars, or colors. I honestly appreciate individuals like you!Take care!! The fish should be able to use these rocks to hide. It is an African cichlid and was named after Ad Konings’ friend LaifDemason. This fish has been extensively bred. Flame Tetra (Von Rio Tetra) – Care, Tank Mates, Feeding & Details! This could result in the demasoni cichlid eating other foods which would lead to various problems and diseases. Pseudotropheus demasoni is a species of cichlid endemic to Lake Malawi where it is only known from the Pombo Rocks in Tanzanian waters. The female of this species is not as brilliantly colored and lacks the spots on the anal fin. They can be kept with yellow mbunas because they are not similar in color. They should not be kept with fish with a different diet. The male Demasoni Cichlid also displays the typical spots on the anal fin, and is considerably larger than the female. Hobbyists will enjoy the vibrant colors and distinct markings of our healthy stock of Pseudotropheus Demasoni. Your email address will not be published. The male Demasoni Cichlid also displays the typical spots on the anal fin, and is considerably larger than the female. © - providing tropical fish tank and aquarium information for freshwater fish and saltwater fish keepers.About FishLore | It’s hard to find highquality writing like yours nowadays. This fish can grow to a length of 3 inches (7.6 cm). Gender : Females will not be as deeply colored as the males and has no spots on the anal fin. It is found in great numbers in Lake Malawi near Pombo Rocks and the Ndumbi reef near the Tanzanian coast. Male or Female Demasoni? It can usually adapt to various kinds of food offered to it because of its omnivorous nature. The other day I noticed my female's mouth was buldged out and something was moving in there. Thus, quality food needs to be provided to prevent this disease. The kribensis cichlids present in different parts of the river have different sizes. Some hobbyists recommend keeping them in a school of 7 or more and others think at least 10 or 12 or more is needed for better long term success. This species can be kept with many of the malawian cichlids. A 55 gallon or larger with an aragonite based substrate (help with pH) and lots of rock work to provide cover and caves for them is needed. She will then take the eggs into her mouth. It is important to provide the fish with stable and clear water. Melanochromis Johanni also has the color morph but is a little more aggressive compare to Saulosi, but is a possibility if you are willing to have lots of rocks. Tank Region : Likes to stay near their rocky caves but will be out and about. The large group helps divert the fish’s aggressive tendencies so that it can’t focus on particular fish. The tanks where multiple cichlids reside need to have various rock formations. To avoid most of the diseases, you need to be aware of the signs and symptoms and keep an eye out for them to provide adequate care and medication at the required time. Our aim is to help educate anyone who wants to keep fish. The demasoni cichlid is like a zebra in its patterns and colors. [url=][img][/img][/url] Fire destroys two factories... Emperor Tetra – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details! The fifth picture shows a young female with a mouthful of eggs, and the bottom picture shows the the same female a few days after she'd released her babies. A lack of hiding places could also result in problems due to their highly aggressive nature during breeding. Demsoni cichlid (Pseudotropheus demasoni) is a species that is found only in Lake Malaw… My Demasoni, 1 male, 5 female are regularly producing fry. A singular fish will require at least a 40-gallon tank. They reside in rocks as opposed to other open-water fish. This disease can be easily contracted if the dietary needs of the fish are not met. If they are kept with other Demasoni Cichlids, it’s best to have a ratio of 1 male to at least 2 females. They get eaten eventually right now. There are various things present in Aufwuchs that provide the fish with nutrients such as nymphs, insects, snails, zooplankton, and mites. Breeding a demasoni cichlid is considered easy. Some foods that can be fed to them are: These fish require food various times a day. The Malawi bloat is one of the biggest problems a demasoni cichlid can encounter. The information, content and material contained on the site is intended to be of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute professional/medical advice. Description: This species is a relatively new addition to aquariums, being introduced in 1994. I’m an Aquarium Keeper from the past 5+ years and here to let you know about your favorite fishes I hope you will enjoy my posts and share with like-minded fish keepers. If they can’t be provided with the room they require, they should not be kept as they will keep fighting. However, too much salt would be detrimental to their health, so be careful about that. The size and weight of both genders of a juvenile cichlid are the same. This fish is often confused with the Pseudotropheusminutusdue to a similar body type. Most mbuna cichlids are highly aggressive and active. As a result, you will need to get a much larger tank than a 40-gallon one. Demasoni cichlid (Pseudotropheus demasoni) also known as Dwarf mbuna was first discovered in 1994 by Ad Konings. As stated before, the demasoni cichlid is an omnivore and can consume most food products. Vegetables are essential to their diet. They are listed on the IUCN redlist listed as vulnerable due to their limited range. It cannot be kept with other species of fish due to its aggressive nature. Care Level : Easy to keep and a good beginner's cichlid. The shallowest part of the river contains small Kribensis and a sizeable number of females. They start swimming on their own when they are around two weeks old. Electric Blue Hap – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details! The color of both sexes is dark blue with black vertical stripes with alternating lighter stripes of light blue to … This species can potentially reach a maximum length of 10 centimetres (3.9 in) SL.It is now commonly found in the aquarium trade.. However, as the male cichlid grows, an egg spot becomes visible, which can help spot the genders of the fish. One of the biggest problems while caring for a demasoni cichlid is making sure it does not develop the Malawi Bloat. Myself William and I love aquarium fishes! Updated August 6, 2019Author: Mike - FishLore AdminSocial Media: The Pseudotropheus demasoni cichlid originates from Lake Malawi in Africa at a place called Pombo Rocks. Breeding Ch. 5 Benefits of Fish Keeping At Home & Its Brings Wealth Too! It is not grouped in the category of community fish for this reason. A female lays eggs, a male fertilizes the eggs, and the female picks up the eggs in her mouth. The male of this species has dark blue or black vertical stripes with alternating lighter stripes of light blue to white. Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details You Need! This fish is widely admired for its color, it is also known to be less tolerant towards other fish. All of these make up the diet of this fish in its natural habitat. For instance, if you have demasoni (a black and blue striped cichlid from Lake Malawi), it would generally be unwise to combine it with other blue fish or other vertically striped fish, especially when the other fish have these characteristics, but do not have the aggression of a demasoni. However, it does not face any immediate threats to its existence yet. Hola! Demasoni Cichlid, Pseudotropheus African Cichlid live fish Options Unsexed Juvenile 3 lot Unsexed Juvenile Guaranteed Male Guaranteed Female Pair 1m/1f 4 Fish Colony six fish colony 1-2 males and the rest females Medium male 2.0-3.0 inch - Sold Out 2.0-3.0 inch guaranteed female … The Demasoni Cichlid is a relatively new Cichlid from the Pombo Rocks area of Lake Malawi in Africa. The male of this species has dark blue or black vertical stripes with alternating lighter stripes of light blue to white. The water in which this fish naturally resides in is full of minerals. These fish may be small, but make up for it with their striking coloring and what one could call..spunk. Hence, to provide adequate care, a filter is necessary along with a weekly change of water. The dorsal, anal and caudal fins of the male fish may be longer in certain species, according to the Fish Channel. A large tank is, therefore, necessary to breed these fish safely. Stale and poor-quality water can result in various diseases such as ich. Diet / Foods : A steady diet of algae type foods such as spirulina, algae wafers and you can try nori on a veggie clip. Breeding : Female will mouth-brood for 14 to 20 days. Just wondering if anyone can tell if this one is male or female. A viable food source is essential when picking a place to live. Are there any good techniques to net these wee guys? It is usually classified under the group mbuna cichlid, which consists of 13 genera. Blue Dolphin Cichlid (Blue Moorii) – Care, Habitat and Details You Need. This dwarf mbuna cichlid is not all that common in the hobby and they can fetch a hefty price tag for freshwater fish. This is a place for information, ideas, pictures, bragging. It's also recommended that they be kept in groups. The copper levels, however, need to be monitored as too much copper in the water could result in other problems. It is referred to as a mouthbrooder and needs to be in a group of at least 12. However, this fish likes to live in groups, so it should usually be kept with 12 other fish of the same kind. Cichlid Sizes and Shapes In most types of cichlid fish, the male will be larger than the female, measuring up to a full inch inch longer. Since it is only present in very limited regions, it can be in danger. The male Demasoni Cichlid also displays the typical spots on the anal fin, and is considerably larger than the female. There should be more than one male in this group. The eggs usually hatch in 7 days. Free swimming fry should be removed to their own tank for grow out and fed enriched brine shrimp, daphnia, etc. Temperament / Behavior : Males may fight with other male demasoni cichlids and will defend their turf from any would be trespassers. Tank Mates : Keep them with similarly sized mbuna's with similar water requirements. They are in a 100 L tank along with other african cichlids. Cichlids that chase each other in a frenzy are most likely performing the ritual mating dance. Demasoni Cichlids can be kept solo or with other fish. Caring for a demasoni cichlid also includes taking care of its diet. demasoni spawns near the rocks in a small depression in the sand. It was first described and brought into the hobby in 1994 by Ad Konings and was named after his … They should be kept at around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. We’re happy to have you as part of our community. pseudotropheus demasoni pombo rocks FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH MY NEW FEMALE FISH → How do I determine the sex of a Demasoni Cichlid? The demasoni cichlid is a highly aggressive fish. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details! The wasted food from a big meal is usually harder to clean and can even cause over-eating. Small amounts should be used instead of big meals. This makes it harder to keep track of their genders when they are young. A large aquarium with plenty of caves and hiding places is ideal for these fish. It comes from Lake Malawi and is a more recent addition to the aquarium hobby. The male fish becomes highly aggressive during breeding time and … It is a typical rocky 40 gallon cichlid tank, and I just cannot catch them for moving to safety in a private tank I have ready. Thanks for any help! Josh Davis President of Live Fish Direct. Arowana Fish – Types, Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details. It is a very active fish as it can be observed doing various tricks such as swimming through the edges of rocks and at various odd angles. He is quite a bit smaller than my other cichlid so I'm wondering if he/she is just reaching sexual maturity?. Its inquisitive nature and strong personality make it a very good addition for most aquariums. The name refers to the fish’s habits. Name: Demasoni cichlidScientific name: Pseudotropheus demasoniAlternative name: Dwarf mbunaFamily: CichlidaeSize:3 inches (7.6 cm)Care level: Moderate to hardMinimum tank size: 55 gallons or more for larger groups (recommended to keep in large groups)Temperature: 23 degrees to 27 degrees CelsiusWater conditions:5 to 8.5 pHDiet: OmnivorousLifespan: 10 yearsTemperament: Aggressive. I see them only at feeding times. Gender: It's difficult to tell males from females, when they are very small, but easy when they are mature, because the males change color and become a very vibrant, dark blue, while the female usually stays a duller blue. Various copper-based medicines are easily available in the market. Maintaining this ratio will help minimize the male’s aggression towards the females. He/she just started developing the white spots on the anal fin in the last week. The demasoni cichlid usually resides in Africa. Aquarium Size : 55 gallon or larger recommended because they do better when kept in larger groups. This fish has been extensively bred. demasoni to be big nest building and sand moving fish like other cichlids. The male Demasoni Cichlid also displays the typical spots on the anal fin, and is considerably larger than the female. Mix in brine shrimp, mysis shrimp or similar occasionally. Scientific Name : Pseudotropheus demasoni. Click here for more information about this fish. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. Yellow Lab Cichlid (Electric Yellow Cichlid) – Care, Tank Mates, Size & Details! 11.6k members in the Cichlid community. I have a for sure male in the same tank and they have been scruffing a bit, hense the torn fins. Third from top: a young male about 3" long that's just beginning to change color pattern. Here, you can find out everything you need to know about keeping fish and aquarium maintenance. Breeding: Demasoni and all Mbunas are mouthbrooders. Origin / Habitat : Africa: Lake Malawi, found at Pombo and Ndumbi reefs in Tanzania in 3 to 4 meters of water. It needs carefully selected mates for the tank and a change in water frequently. I have never found the Ch. These combinations can help the fish fend off various digestion-related diseases, particularly the ones related to the intestine. Can anyone tell me whether this one is male or female? All information, content, materials on this site, or obtained from a website to which the site is linked are provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind either express or implied. Adding vitamins and various other supplements to the food can also have positive effects on the health of the fish. This along with vegetable supplements can meet the needs of this fish’s diet. The Demasoni Cichlid, Pseudotropheus demasoni, is a relatively uncommon cichlid, which originates from a specific rocky point called Pombo Rocks, within the waters of Lake Malawi located in Tanzania, Africa.The male of this species has dark blue or black vertical stripes with alternating lighter stripes of light blue to white. The size and weight of both genders of a juvenile cichlid are the same. Its diet, however, should focus more on herbivorous food. The small amounts of food are vital to keeping the tank clean for a longer period. The female of this species is not as brilliantly colored, and lacks the spots on the anal fin. Its scientific name is Pseudotropheus demasoni. Brand new to cichlids and this website. Skin flukes and parasite infestations can seriously harm this fish. The male of this species has dark blue or black vertical stripes with alternating lighter stripes of light blue to white. These diseases can be avoided by keeping the water clean and making sure the dietary needs of the fish are met. However, as the male cichlid grows, an egg spot becomes visible, which can help spot the genders of the fish. You can find them online going for $20 to $30 a piece. The male of this species has dark blue or black vertical stripes with alternating lighter stripes of light blue to white. Apistogramma Agassizii – Care, Size, Tank Mates & Details! Step 1 Observe the dominant male cichlid. To net these wee guys algae including Aufwuchs first discovered in 1994 by Ad Konings ’ LaifDemason! 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