Riuniti tutti i leader dei Sette Corpi, il gruppo si dirige su Ryut, pianeta natale di Atrocitus, per distruggere la Batteria del Potere Nera, nel frattempo però spostatasi sulla Terra. Sinestro ended up on the antimatter world of Qward, that universe's counterpart of the Guardians' homeworld Oa, which was ruled by a race of warriors and scientists known as the Weaponers of Qward, who bore a fierce hatred of the Guardians and all Green Lanterns. Durante l'assalto su Oa, i Sinestro Corps sono responsabili di atti gravi, come la liberazione di Superman-Prime e del Cyborg Superman dalle loro prigioni. Al termine della guerra con le Lanterne Verdi, Sinestro venne catturato e condannato a morte dai Guardiani dell'Universo. Nel corso della gestione di Geoff Johns, il personaggio ha subito una significativa evoluzione, passando da villain a tutto tondo ad anti-eroe complesso e sfaccettato. Although he initially distracted Hal at a crucial moment, Kyle's ring's immunity to yellow proved vital in preventing Sinestro from executing the Guardians of the Universe. In it, he finds runes that could help him 'purge' the entity from his system. When Jordan called for help from the other Green Lanterns, Sinestro's dictatorship was exposed and he was forced to appear before the Guardians for punishment. Angered by this, Sinestro bursts free, staggering Carol enough for his Corpsmen to seize her. When Sinestro realizes that the remaining Korugarians are suffering because of his inaction, he feels fear again and his ring reactivates. Alleanza con Hal Jordan e la Prima Lanterna, https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sinestro&oldid=115779272, Template Webarchive - collegamenti all'Internet Archive, Voci non biografiche con codici di controllo di autorità, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo, Resistenza agli attacchi delle Lanterne Verdi (quando indossa un anello del potere giallo), Onnipotenza creativa immaginaria quasi totale (viene limitato solo dalle capacità mentali del portatore), Sinestro appare come antagonista principale nel film animato, Sinestro appare come uno dei protagonisti del film animato, Sinestro è un personaggio giocabile nel picchiaduro, Sinestro è un personaggio giocabile nella modalità. Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Sinestro was captured and imprisoned within the Central Power Battery. L'intervento dei Guardiani dell'Universo permette al criminale di uccidere entrambi, bandendoli nella Zona Morta. Al termine della battaglia, Sinestro si accorderà con gli altri leader per una tregua intergalattica. Upon his defeat, Sinestro is given the chance to choose his fate. After being converted into energy inside the Oan power battery, Sinestro waited for the opportune moment to strike back. With the Green Lantern Corps restarted with the return of Hal Jordan, Sinestro has founded the Sinestro Corps and has been actively recruiting members, offering yellow power rings and a role in the Corps to those who can "instill great fear". Liberata Soranik, Sinestro si riunirà agli altri sei leader, nel frattempo duramente sconfitti dal Guardiano Rinnegato Krona, riuscito anche ad impossessarsi delle Sette Entità. Sinestro's elite team joins the fight but Sinestro calls them off say that he and Hal can have a 'civilized' discussion at a safe location for the Korugarians. [13] The Sinestro Corps begin attacking Earth. A rookie Green Lantern named Snow wishes to hear the tales of the greatest Green Lanterns in history. Sarà Coast City il teatro dello scontro decisivo: Sinestro si batterà in prima linea, a fianco dei leader dei Corpi, ma neppure tutti i loro poteri sembrano essere in grado di fermare Nekron, personificazione della Morte a capo del Corpo delle Lanterne Nere; questi, richiamata dalle profondità della Terra l'Entità Bianca (vero avatar della vita), cerca di ucciderla, allo scopo di estinguere completamente la vita nell'intero Universo. Sinestro demands that Kyle resurrects Korugar, but Kyle is unable to do so. [46] Soon after, Hal and Sinestro are banished to the Dead Zone. He is the archenemy of Hal Jordan and the founder of the Sinestro Corps. Indigo-1, tuttavia, ha altri piani per Sinestro: grazie al suo potere, trasporterà lui, Carol e Jordan su Korugar, dove Sinestro affronterà Mongul, che ne ha usurpato la leadership alla guida del Sinestro Corps; lo scontro tra i due è durissimo, Mongul sembra inizialmente prevalere, ma Sinestro, sfruttando la debolezza dell'anello giallo (che lui e lui solo può disattivare) avrà la meglio sul rivale, mutilandolo del braccio e rinchiudendolo nella Batteria del Potere Gialla, rivendicando così tanto il suo ruolo di capo carismatico delle Lanterne Gialle quanto, soprattutto, quello di difensore di Korugar. Since you are already here then chances are that you are looking for the Daily Themed Crossword Solutions. Sinestro's ring chooses the Scarecrow. Afterwards, Gosgotha turned out to still be alive and asked for his ring back to keep him alive long enough to get help. Compra Green Lantern 1: Sinestro [Lingua Inglese]. [34] He later uses Sinestro's ring when Parallax is returned to the Central Power Battery, allowing Krona to control all Green Lanterns. Sinestro must also work with Kyle Rayner and the Green Lantern Corps in an effort to rescue Soranik Natu from a Qwardian who made Sinestro's original yellow ring. Entity intones "Thaal Sinestro of Korugar...Destiny awaits". [53], In the possible future of Futures End set five years, the Sinestro Corps are attacked on New Korugar by the Apex League. The villain's ears are also inconsistently depicted, being frequently drawn with tapering pinnae in the same manner as Vulcans and Elves, yet he is also commonly shown to have human-shaped ears instead. Lanterna Verde (Green Lantern) è un film del 2011 diretto da Martin Campbell. Look no further because you will find whatever you are looking for in here. [18][19], After escaping the assault by the Red Lanterns, Sinestro finally reaches his homeworld of Korugar. [43] Hal convinces the Tribe that he can help Sinestro atone for his past deeds without being bound to an Indigo Ring. Additionally, many artists portray Sinestro with an upwardly elongated forehead (similar to the original design of Hulk villain the Leader, albeit less extreme), while others artists have bestowed him with more human cranial proportions. Sinestro himself returns to Korugar to confront his successor, Soranik Natu. Nearly killing the two heroes, Sinestro was stopped by the newly resurrected Hal Jordan, who reclaimed his ring and was purged of Parallax's influence. Sinestro viene raggiunto da Kyle Rayner, che è riuscito a dominare tutto lo spettro emozionale ed è diventato una Lanterna Bianca: Thaal riesce a rubargli l'anello e ad indossarlo ma viene successivamente respinto. Sinestro Green Lantern is a dangerous card to switch out against unless you're properly prepared. He also proclaims himself to be "leading this coalition" against the Black Lanterns. Mentre provano, invano, a sollevare la Lanterna, questa sembra quasi animarsi e, dopo aver chiesto ai tre di "Aiutarla a Vivere" affida loro la missione di trovare le Sette Entità dello Spettro Emozionale: Ion (avatar della Volontà), Parallax (avatar della Paura), Ofide (avatar dell'Avarizia), Massacratore (avatar della Rabbia), Proselito (avatar della Compassione), Adara (avatar della Speranza) ed il Predatore (avatar dell'Amore); quindi trasporta i tre a New York, dove, nel frattempo, è giunto Atrocitus, anch'egli in caccia delle Entità. Anni dopo la Lanterna Verde Kyle Rayner scoprì che Sinestro non era morto: durante il duello con Jordan, a "morire" fu un costrutto di Parallax, un potentissimo parassita alieno che si nutre di paura, incontrato all'interno della batteria principale durante la sua prigionia. [27] When the restored Spectre manages to separate Parallax from Hal, Sinestro again tries to claim the fear entity as his own, but is foiled when Parallax is pulled away by an unknown force. Sensing that he and Sinestro have similar backgrounds (as Superman lost his wife and unborn child to crime), Superman allows him to join the Regime, though Hal Jordan is not happy about this when he returns to Earth after being subdued by the Green Lanterns. Green Lantern: nella serie HBO Max due Lanterne Verdi (e Sinestro!) Sinestro quickly became the Green Lantern Corps' most powerful nemesis, partially due to a weakness in their power rings that prevented them from directly affecting the color yellow. Just then Hal, Abin and Carol burst through the streets to where the others are. It was The Green Lantern known as Prohl Gosghota. Sinestro orders his Corps to stop intervening in his personal fight against Hal and confronts his former pupil face to face. Green Lantern Sinestro's passive can only activate once per his tag-in, unlike other versions of Sinestro. Sinestro is the main antagonist of Green Lantern: First Flight. The jet features a rounded transparent greencanopy with a Green Lantern logo printed on a black slope in front of the jet. Creating a yellow power ring for Sinestro to use, the Weaponers sent him back to the "positive matter" universe to seek his revenge. His dedication to preserving order originally manifested in his previous career, an anthropologist specializing in reconstructions of ruins of long-dead civilizations. Il potere combinato dei quattro e dei due Corpi, riesce in parte a sbaragliare il nemico. The main part of the set is the Green Lantern jet which is coloured mainly green, black and includes trans-green highlights. He then reanimates the Sinestro Corps as Black Lanterns and they attack the Apex League.[79]. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 29 set 2020 alle 14:34. Parallax then bonded to Jordan, who took the entity's name for himself, and promptly finished off the Green Lantern Corps by absorbing the Central Battery's energies into himself. XM Studios has announced their newest DC Comics Rebirth statue featuring the might and all … La battaglia, tuttavia, non è ancora conclusa: il nemico che si para di fronte a Jordan e Sinestro è addirittura Abin Sur risorto, assieme alla sorella Arin, come Lanterna Nera; Jordan affronterà il suo predecessore, mentre a Sinestro toccherà confrontarsi con l'unica donna che abbia mai amato; nei bassifondi di Korugar, Sinestro riesce a prevalere, ma al momento di finirla esita; le due Lanterne Nere verranno distrutte solo con l'arrivo di Hal Jordan, Carol Ferris ed Indigo-1, combinando i loro poteri. He was very adept at escaping the ways the Guardians tried to imprison him. Sinestro and Black Adam did not care about that; they begin laughing since they know the rules do not apply to them and went their separate ways, along with the other villains. As he fights Krona, a green power ring comes to him, making Sinestro a Green Lantern once more. He then tells her that they must work together to stop the Blackest Night. He refuses, even when she says Arkillo is making a mockery of the Corps, creating thousands of rings for anyone who will swear loyalty to him. Sinestro is a former Green Lantern Corps member who was dishonorably discharged for abusing his power. Jordan infatti, dopo un iniziale addestramento ricevuto da Kilowog, venne affidato alle cure di Sinestro; i due col tempo svilupparono un forte legame d'amicizia. As a host whose body reined in and mastered the Emotional Embodiment of Fear, Thaal Sinestro now acts as the host as well as containment vessel for the emotional entity of his Corps; Parallax gives him unprecedented power both physical and metaphysical in nature. In JLA/Avengers Sinestro is among the mind-controlled villains who attack the heroes as they assault Krona's stronghold. When attempting to stop a nuke from destroying the city, Hal and a few other heroes were transported to a different version of Gotham. Sinestro initially plans to cooperate but is met at the Source Wall by Lex Luthor, who invites Sinestro to Earth to join his Legion of Doom. Sinestro riattiva il suo Corpo ed uccide tutti i Guardiani dell'Universo (tranne Ganthet, che si ricongiunge a Sayd presso il covo di Larfleeze), prima di ritirarsi nello spazio profondo. Attracted by the promise of the "Invisible Emotional Spectrum", a source of power Sinestro became aware of in his youth just before joining the Green Lanterns, Sinestro abandons the Corps and travels to Earth. Jessica Cruz is left stranded in space sector 0123, overseeing an old Green Lantern installation. The front is in three main sections, one being the cockpit, and the others are curved sides where the wings end. Sinestro is a character in the HBO Max original series, Green Lantern. Si combatterono per anni, fino a quando Sinestro venne sconfitto e imprigionato all'interno della batteria principale, versione più grande della lanterna da cui ogni membro del corpo trae i propri poteri. La dimensione e la portata di questa nuova organizzazione si è rivelata la più grande minaccia per il Corpo delle Lanterne Verdi. When Hal Jordan joined the Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro was assigned to be his instructor. With all four in place, they destroy Abin's and Arin's rings. He sends out his enforcers of his Corps to control the new order of the universe with fear. Former Green Lantern Corps member, Sinestro. [33], In the War of the Green Lanterns storyline Sinestro and the other 'New Guardians' are trapped in the Book of the Black by Lyssa Drak while trying to recover the emotional entities from Krona. Fu la più grande tra tutte le Lanterne Verdi, ma ora è ritenuto il loro più grande nemico. Indigo-1 teleports the group to Korugar so that Sinestro may finally confront Mongul. Green Lantern – The Sinestro Corps War 09 | | Read Green Lantern – The Sinestro Corps War 09 | View Comic Online [53] Sinestro turns to the Yellow Central Power Battery and releases Parallax, becoming its new host in order to attack Volthoom with heightened power levels. Later, Hal Jordan's Spectre also clashed with the ghost of Sinestro,[10] who traps him in a dream where he never became a Green Lantern. [28], In the midst of the battle, Nekron kills a Guardian and uses its blood to summon a large white figure from Earth. by redazioneon 11 mesi ago 11 mesi ago. [54] Sinestro follows Power Ring through the sewers, eventually severing his right arm and allowing his ring to go search for a new host. The two fought to a draw, with Sinestro escaping to the antimatter universe when his ring was damaged by Hal during the fight.[11]. Sinestro wields a yellow power ring that is functionally similar to those of the Green Lanterns, granting him flight, the ability to survive in any environment and the ability to create constructs of any shape and size. [53] Volthoom is ultimately defeated when Hal Jordan summons Nekron. He quickly gave his ring to Sinestro, just in time for Sinestro, who barely even understood what the ring could do, to defend himself from the Lantern's pursuer: a Weaponer of Qward; however, Sinestro had to destroy the ruins he had spent time restoring in order to crush the Qwardian. With the Battery destroyed, Sinestro escaped and went into hiding as he watched Jordan become what he had always hated Sinestro for being: a traitor and a murderer reviled by his friends and his allies. This version has his original green power ring, but is no less vicious than his mainstream continuity counterpart and the official designation of his world is unrevealed. [42], Later, he witnesses the prophecy of the Guardians' plans for a "Third Army" and once again retrieves Hal from Earth. However Sinestro refused, and coldly … During the encounter, Sinestro possessed John Stewart to confront Guy, but his spirit was not strong enough to defeat Gardner's willpower. [15] Sinestro is then imprisoned in Oa's Sciencells where he learns from Hal Jordan that he has received a death penalty. Oddly, other characters from Korugar such as his successor Katma Tui and even his own daughter Soranik Natu are virtually never depicted with these features of either the tall forehead or elfin ears. [20] After leaving Korugar, Sinestro travels to visit the grave of Abin Sur and makes plans to lead an assault on the homeworld of the Star Sapphires. He visited Soranik throughout her life using his ring to alter his appearance. Later, the Green Lantern Corps were in a meeting with the Guardians and told that they should choose between discipline, continuing the fight, and starting a mutiny. He was initially bald, but now boasts a human-like head of raven hair. They come closer after Sinestro destroys a device that could give Superman greater power, ensuring no one could have it. Our staff has managed to solve all the game packs [...] Read More "Former Green Lantern Corps member Sinestro" Sinestro continues to play a key role in creating forced order across the world, even staging an event where Despero looked like he was attacking and Sinestro was forced to kill him in self-defense. He is also revealed to have masterminded the death of Kyle Rayner's mother by having the sentient virus Despotellis invade her as part of a plot to break Kyle's will so that he can become Parallax's latest host. Sinestro's original yellow ring was stolen by Guy Gardner from Oa's Crypt of the Green Lantern Corps. However, the newly restored Corps would be short-lived, thanks to the inadvertent efforts of the alien warlord Mongul and Hank Henshaw, a cyborg who was at the time impersonating Superman. Accordatisi per cooperare allo scopo di ritrovare le Entità, il gruppo si separa: Sinestro andrà con Atrocitus in caccia del Massacratore, assistendo indifferente al massacro ai danni di alcuni galeotti di un penitenziario operata dalla Lanterna Rossa; il sodalizio tra i due sarà comunque di breve durata: Sinestro, richiamato da Kyle Rayner, abbandonerà la ricerca per correre in aiuto della figlia Soranik Natu, rapita dall'Armiere di Qward, colui che aveva forgiato il primo Anello Giallo. Thaal Sinestro, was born on the planet Korugar in Space Sector 1417. As Hal Jordan battles Krona, Sinestro hears him as he declares his dedication to the cause of the Green Lanterns and is inspired to join his old enemy in battle. Parallax was thus able to possess him completely and push him towards a homicidal rampage that wiped out most of the Guardians and left scores of Green Lanterns dead or maimed, as Parallax sought to absorb the Central Power Battery's energies into his being. Separatosi dalla figlia, il korugariano raggiunge le sue truppe su Zamaron. Terminata questa missione, Sinestro riporta Jordan sulla Terra, ma è costretto a richiamarlo quando scopre che i Guardiani hanno deciso di creare un nuovo corpo di guardia dell'Universo, chiamato Terzo Esercito. Guilty of multiple acts of genocide, Sinestro was put on trial again by the assembled membership of the Green Lantern Corps. [52], He arrives on the planet Oa and strikes Volthoom, but their battle is interrupted by the Indigo Tribe. He was one of the greatest Green Lanterns in history, but believing that the Guardians were unfit to keep peace and order across the universe with them simply capturing and arresting criminals instead of exterminating them, an so, he betrayed them. Hal berates Sinestro for allowing Parallax to control him and kill the Guardians, which Sinestro refutes. When dealing with an artificial intelligence based on the dead son of its creator, Wonder Woman faced a duplicate of Sinestro created by the A.I. Il film è basato su Lanterna Verde , personaggio dei fumetti fantastici DC Comics . Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League: Attack of the Legion of Doom, Batman: The Brave and the Bold – The Videogame, "15 Things You Didn't Know About Green Lantern", http://www.worldsfinestonline.com/news.php/news.php?action=fullnews&id=1045, "Boss Says BATMAN: BRAVE & BOLD Game is Just Like the Show", ‘Lego DC Super-Villains’ Drops in October, Green Lantern/Superman: Legend of the Green Flame, Green Lantern Coaster (Warner Bros. Movie World), Green Lantern: First Flight (Magic Mountain), Star-Spangled War Stories Featuring G.I. [69] He increases his Parallax powers to one thousand percent when Hal returns and invades Warworld. Sinestro offers to join with Parallax instead, but is rebuffed. Ritenuto un ottimo esempio di come dovrebbe comportarsi un membro del corpo, i Guardiani di Oa lo incaricarono di addestrare tutte le lanterne verdi matricole, e fu così che conobbe Hal Jordan. Nemmeno Sinestro poté nulla contro la furia di Hal, che lo uccise ed entrò all'interno della batteria principale, assorbendone il potere e divenendo il potentissimo Parallax. Additionally, due to the fact that his name is derived from the Latin word sinestra, meaning "sinister" or also "left" and "left handed", and commonly associated to wickedness, Sinestro has been often depicted in the comic books as left handed. Si dirige dunque su Oa per vendicarsi di Volthoom. Though Katma Tui eventually grew into one of the most respected Green Lanterns, she and the rest of Korugar initially resisted her appointment to the Corps; due to Sinestro's actions, Korugar had come to consider the symbol of the Green Lantern Corps an emblem of terror and oppression. Sinestro devises a way to escape and is aided by the former keeper of the Indigo Light, Natromo. Though Jordan snapped Sinestro's neck after the battle, apparently killing him, it would later be revealed that what the Guardians had actually extracted from the Battery was a hard-light construct of Sinestro, created by Parallax and mentally puppeteered by the real Sinestro from within the Battery. Thaal Sinestro è un personaggio dei fumetti creato da John Broome e Gil Kane, pubblicato dalla DC Comics. Guy only wore the yellow ring for a short time before Hal Jordan, possessed by Parallax, destroyed it. However Hal used his ring to speed up a clock, making Sinestro think his ring had run out of power. [49] When Simon Baz enters the Dead Zone during a fight with Black Hand, a way out is provided by Green Lantern B'dg. The Green Lantern Corps is once again reformed with the return of Hal Jordan so Sinestro decides to found the Sinestro Corps, offering yellow power rings and a role in the Corps to the most feared and savage warriors of the universe. His passive gives him a strong damage boost (similar to Superman/Regime) whenever his opponent switches out with a new character. However, he was clearly a dictator who drove his wife Arin to suicide and lost his daughter as a result of his actions. Green Lantern was first seen fighting Sinestro above Metropolis, amidst other heroes and villains in battle. Sinestro blames the Apex League for this and smashes Lyssa Drak's skull on the ground. Leaving Hal behind, Sinestro leaves with his team and the Korugarians, with Soranik leaving with him to look after her people. Volthoom engages Hal and reality begins to unravel. 1 min. Con il ritorno di Hal Jordan tra i vivi e la ricostituzione del Corpo delle Lanterne Verdi, Sinestro ha deciso di fondare il Sinestro Corps, offrendo anelli del potere gialli ai più temuti e feroci guerrieri dell'universo. Tornato nel suo universo, Sinestro divenne un nemico giurato di Oa e questo lo portò a diventare la nemesi di Hal Jordan. 1 Biography 2 Series 3 Physical Appearance 4 Personality 5 Trivia 6 Gallery In the comic series, Sinestro was a member of the Green Lantern Corps before being dishonorably discharged for abusing his power. Sinestro felt particularly betrayed when his former comrades—including his protege Hal Jordan—stopped him and removed his ring, expelling him from the Corps. Terminato l'addestramento, Hal divenne la lanterna del settore 2814 (settore in cui è inclusa la Terra) e Sinestro tornò su Korugar.
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