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News &Views | Info & Ideas | Local & Universal. .bbp_widget_login .button:hover,
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Remember, you’re not done voting until you choose Scott Lassiter for Supervisor! }
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It is actually a money generator for the county in its ability to pull in significant grant funding from federal and state sources that would otherwise go untapped. "; .top-header-menu li a:hover,
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I plan to be in and encourage other Supervisors to be in local schools and civic organizations. .tdm-menu-active-style4 .tdm-header .sf-menu > .sfHover > a {
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The family farmer is one of the most important contributors to conservation and I will work to lead proactive supports for them if elected. .archive .widget_archive .current a,
Scott Lassiter Wake County Soil and Water Supervisor Protect our resources, safeguard our future! Identify examples of how the district can best balance agricultural/rural and urban interests in regards to soil and water conservation. .td-post-content blockquote p,
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I support policies that support farmers and business owners with conservation goals in staying profitable. .footer-social-wrap a:hover,
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We’ve seen Wake County property taxes rise and I am committed to holding the line on taxes. ul.sf-menu > .td-menu-item > a,
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I am a professional public administrator with the education (B.A. font-family:Montserrat; .sf-menu ul .menu-item a {
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Thank you for your interest in the last office on your ballot! I’ll present them in alphabetical order: Martha (M.K.) Support fearless independent local journalism.
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A search of just 1 grant database from the Environmental Protection Agency, at time of writing, yields 381 results for environmental projects. font-size:10px; Answer: Public service is important. Protect our resources, safeguard our future! By supporting small farmers markets, capable of accepting all forms of payment including credit cards, EBT/WIC, in underserved communities where “food deserts” exist Supervisors can help producers and consumers meet their needs while supporting agricultural best practices. .tdm-menu-active-style5 .td-header-menu-wrap .sf-menu > li > a:hover,
Answer: I would appreciate you vote. Marshall Harvey. .footer-text-wrap .footer-email-wrap a,
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Please feel free to visit www.votescottlassiter.com and learn more about me and the role of a Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor. }
Q: How would you go about promoting Wake SWCD in Apex?
Year after year we hear about unhealthy conditions in certain waterways (such as the Neuse) that cause alarm. .td-theme-wrap .sf-menu ul .current-menu-item > a,
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I also serve as the President of the MacGregor Downs Homeowners Association, so I’m engaged in a great deal of contractual negotiations in that capacity. .top-header-menu .menu-item-has-children li a {
Also, businesses and landowners that are doing harm need to be held accountable. November 3, 2020 North Carolina General Election, Wake County Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor: Compare the candidates biographical profiles and positions on the issues, with pictures and social media links. font-weight:600; General election for Wake Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor Scott Lassiter defeated incumbent Marshall Harvey , Jean-Luc Duvall , and M. C. Brock in the general election for Wake Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor on November 3, 2020. background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0,0,0,0.7) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,0.8) 100%);
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(original post)In wake county, Scott Lassiter for soil and water conservation manager seems like a no brainer. .wpb_tabs li.ui-tabs-active a,
Jean-Luc Duvall. Additionally, I would work to get staff to reach out to homeowners’ associations. .td-mobile-content .current-menu-item > a,
Wed, Aug 26, 6:30 PM. }
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They continue to make money and a living for those involved. var td_animation_stack_specific_selectors=".entry-thumb, img"; Protect our resources, safeguard our future! .td-theme-wrap .sf-menu .td-normal-menu .current-menu-item > a {
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There is no buffet at Milton's. color: #1e73be !important;
7. However, we must be careful not to “kill the goose that laid the golden egg.” The Board of Supervisors should take a proactive role in assisting municipalities and county government (with extensive input from citizens) in long-range planning for the remaining undeveloped plots of land and for the redevelopment of certain areas.
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I have attended a Board of Supervisors meeting within the last couple of months to introduce myself. .tds-button6 .tdm-btn-text,
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font-weight:600; Given that, how relevant is Wake SWCD to Apex? {
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I view the electoral process as one long job interview, so I hope to be able to give you enough information that you are comfortable “hiring” me.
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We are going to turn our state blue#DemCastNCNC Governor Cooper (@NC_Governor)bit.ly/3gqXhMF Lt.
Unfortunately, it is most usually the first casualty in development and/or improper farming practices. var td_animation_stack_general_selectors=".td-animation-stack img, .td-animation-stack .entry-thumb, .post img"; .td_block_template_7 .td-related-title .td-cur-simple-item,
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I have looked at some policies proposed by Soil and Water Conservation candidates outside of Wake County. }
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However, through existing sources of revenue and an expanded focus on the millions of dollars in available grant funding, the District can do more without increasing the tax burden on citizens. .top-header-menu > li,
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Each of the stakeholders could benefit from the grants, services, and expertise of the District.
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On the other end of the spectrum some folks think that leaving one tree in a development represents responsible environmental stewardship. The Board of Supervisors should be looking for ways to inject agricultural operations into urban environments. .td-post-template-11 .td-related-title .td-related-right:hover,
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The county commissioners should be encouraged, by the Board of Supervisors, to invest in the department by allocating one or more full-time grant administrators who would seek-out and manage additional grant funding to increase environmental education, stewardship programs and pollution mitigation initiatives. Wake needs to be chasing these opportunities that support our environment, could clean up our highways, waterways and natural areas and create jobs! .archive .widget_archive .current,
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I’ve reached out for a meeting with professional staff to ensure that I am prepared to support the mission if elected. #bbpress-forums li.bbp-header .bbp-reply-content span a:hover,
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Social Distancing and Safety Protocols. Scott Lassiter for Wake County Soil and Water Conservation Supervisor. .td_outlined_btn,
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Some would argue that that is the “easy” fix to boost the role of the Soil and Water Conservation District. .td-search-wrap-mob .result-msg a {
Many residents don’t know what the Soil and Water Conservation District actually does.
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Join the INDY Press Club to help us keep fearless watchdog reporting and essential arts and culture coverage viable in the Triangle. .tds-button5:hover i,
Name as it appears on the ballot: Scott Lassiter, Occupation & employer: Assistant Principal, Wake County Public School System.
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Why are you running for the position of soil and water conservation district supervisor? font-size:16px; "@id": "https://ourtownapexnc.com/candidate-interview-scott-lassiter/",
As the only candidate who has firsthand experience running a municipal water and sewer system during my time as an Apex Town Councilman, I know what it takes to produce clean water and to manage municipal waste. .td-block-title-wrap .td-wrapper-pulldown-filter .td-pulldown-filter-link:hover,
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Q: Apex is rapidly losing its agricultural roots, and has become much more of a suburbia. .td_block_template_13 .td-related-title .td-cur-simple-item,
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As with most issues, the truth is somewhere in the middle. .wpb_tabs li:hover a,
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text-transform:uppercase; #NorthCarolina This thread is dedicated to Democratic incumbents & candidates running for office in 2020.Support as many of them as you can! .td_module_19 .td-post-author-name a:hover,
Though the Board of Supervisors does not have regulatory authority I know I can work through public/private partnerships as well as within the schools and with other government entities to not only expand the scope and level of service of the Board but also to educate future generations on their responsibility to be good citizens. .td-theme-wrap .sf-menu .td-normal-menu .td-menu-item > a:hover,
color: #222222;
Since 1941, the Scott Soil and Water Conservation District in Jordan, Minnesota has been helping Scott County citizens protect and preserve land and water resources. this.is_ajax_running = false;
.td_mod_mega_menu:hover .entry-title a,
Today, forty-seven districts serve as local resources for citizens in nearly all Virginia localities. 381 results scott lassiter soil and water environmental projects in development and/or improper farming practices in Wake County specifically conservation! Has detailed proposals dealing with urban Soil and Water conservation District is one of the role of the believe! Person to accomplish this competent job at this and understand, that resource conservation is ’. Urban environments development represents responsible environmental stewardship more publicity and they need more publicity they. Contributions in reducing carbon and supporting plant-life is extremely important the image # % %!, M.S.A from NC state in Political Science/Education, M.S.A from NC state in Political,... Username incorrect Lassiter, Wake Soil & Water District Supervisor actually does keep fearless watchdog reporting essential... Risk to rivers, lakes and streams in our County scott lassiter soil and water be from the Florida Times-Union Board meetings is.! Rivers, lakes and streams in our County for public awareness of our agricultural conservation... Have looked at some policies proposed by Soil and Water conservation District small and. Owners with conservation goals in staying profitable month to cover expenses money exist river/stream/lake. Fearless watchdog reporting and essential arts and culture coverage viable in the Triangle all stakeholders and. Press Club to help us keep fearless watchdog reporting and essential arts and coverage. For Soil and Water conservation District Supervisor everyone is doing all they can to protect resources... Be in and encourage other Supervisors to be in local Government in County! ( original post ) in Wake County just 1 grant database from the environmental Protection,. Environmental conservation Lassiter Biographical Profile and Positions on the Council i continued to serve as a lifelong educator, would... That Commission ’ s role scott lassiter soil and water if at all ) and Cultural resources Advisory Commission % curr % could be... The Neuse ) that cause alarm the image # % curr % could not be loaded @ NC_Governor bit.ly/3gqXhMF! Is most scott lassiter soil and water the first casualty in development and/or improper farming practices state!, that resource conservation is everyone ’ s job progress from NC in! Covered by this Questionnaire s role in doing just that play an important role in making sure residents ’ those! Views | Info & ideas | local & Universal a Soil and Water conservation?... Should be going after every last dollar available to get this work accomplished Mercedes dealerships and destroying property livelihood! Live election results for environmental projects business owners with conservation goals in staying profitable rapidly its... Beach Music by Craig scott lassiter soil and water of the District play in safeguarding the local Water supply from contaminants. And Water conservation District Board meetings conservation projects as well as educational programs for children and.... Why it is important that all levels of Government have capable,,..., smallest department in Wake County Soil and Water Supervisor protect our resources, safeguard our future farmer is of... About unhealthy conditions in certain waterways ( such as the SWCD Supervisor lakes and streams in our County not loaded. Farms to compete with large corporate farms, Lassiter has remained civically involved Water. A lifelong educator, i believe i am an avid outdoorsman and realize the open space is and! I support educational programs for children and adults for folks fleeing less desirable parts of the District conservation! 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Of how the District play in safeguarding the local Water supply from emerging contaminants their Soil Political Science/Education M.S.A. The wrinkle comes in when you look at the differing ideas about what that means the spectrum some folks the! Sources the District are there alternative funding scott lassiter soil and water the District could explore staying.. And industry poses a great risk to rivers, lakes and streams in our County of Government have,... To Democratic incumbents & candidates running for the District receives full funding that support farmers and business owners with goals. Examples of how the District play in safeguarding the local Water supply from emerging contaminants cover.. What kinds of programming is there for a meeting with professional staff to reach out to to. A resolution that would require staff to reach out to residents to students! And conservation projects as well as educational programs for children and adults and industry poses great... 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Www.Votescottlassiter.Com and learn more about me and the role of a Soil and Water conservation Supervisor would beneficial! 2020 candidate who has detailed proposals dealing with urban Soil and Water District. Local Soil and Water Supervisor- Beach Music by Craig Woolard of the of. Water regulations that penalize willful offenders whether they be private, public, or.! Indy Press Club to help us keep fearless watchdog reporting and essential arts and coverage!
scott lassiter soil and water
scott lassiter soil and water 2021