Standard FeaturesView course description including hours, exam schedule, and requirements.View course reviews.Course bidding during enrollment periods.User RequirementsCourse evaluations require NetID to view.Using This ServiceGet This Service Visit… But climate change is also having profound impacts on the individual lives and well-being of billions of animals. The Lab will be supervised by faculty with expertise in food, animal, climate, and environmental law and policy. This course is co-led by Hillhouse Professor of Environmental Law and Policy at the Yale Law School and the Yale School of the Environment and former Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Dan Esty, and Yale School of the Environment Lecturer, Lecturer in Law at Yale Law School… The Law Seminar is an intensive introduction to the American legal system designed to prepare you to enter law school in the U.S.A. or work in the field of law in an international context. US environmental law directly and indirectly seeks to reduce these harms, although often in partial, ineffective, or unenforceable ways. The Law School offers a health law overview course as well as important supporting classes such as Administrative Law, Legislation, Introduction to the Regulatory State, Intellectual Property, and … The Law School also offers a Master of Studies in Law (M.S.L.) Enrollment limited. Updated exam information will be available via the appropriate exam schedule links on this site. In terms of output of cheap food, the system is a success: we now produce about 60% more food than we need, food is about one-third less expensive today than in 1980; and less than 2% of U.S. employment is in agriculture. The Law School offers a health law overview course as well as important supporting classes such as Administrative Law, Legislation, Introduction to the Regulatory State, Intellectual Property, and Antitrust. Permission of instructors is required. Also ENV. Students may also elect from a number of specialized research classes, including international law, legal history, administrative law, corporate law and legal technology. Students in the Climate, Animal, Food, and Environmental Law & Policy Lab (“CAFE Lab”) will gain firsthand experience working with faculty, outside experts, and non-governmental organizations to develop innovative law and policy initiatives to bring systemic change to the global food industry, which is one of the top contributors to climate change, animal suffering, human exploitation, and environmental degradation worldwide. This course will examine the application of the law to non-human animals, the rules and regulations that govern their treatment, and the concepts of "animal welfare" and "animal rights." While there are alternative production systems that have been demonstrated to produce sufficient food with much less environmental impact, the law rarely encourages, and often discourages such approaches. This course … Legal Research is an integral part of the curriculum at Yale Law School. Note: This course will follow the Yale College calendar. Recent examples include: Bioethics and LawComparative Consumer and Products Liability LawDrugs and the Criminal LawDrug Product Liability Litigation[The] Engineering and Ownership of LifeFood and Drug Administration LawFood LawGlobal Health, Politics & EconomicsGuns in AmericaHealth and Food Law Scholarship WorkshopHealth LawLaw and the American Health Care System, Law and the Opioid CrisisLegal and Medical ProfessionsMarkets, Morals and the Law (the NHS)Marriage and the StateMedical-Legal Partnership Seminar Mental Health and Disability LawPublic Benefits Law and Antipoverty PolicyPublic Health LawRegulating Sexuality: Legal and Psychological PerspectivesRegulation and Institutional DesignSexuality, Health, and Human RightsTheories of Sexuality, Gender, and the Law. American Contract Law I (along with its sister course Contracts II) provides a comprehensive overview of contract law in the United States. Agriculture occupies approximately 60% of the country’s contiguous land and thus is the main driver of loss of native habitats. The Advanced Climate, Animal, Food, and Environmental Law and Policy Lab, offered in both the fall 2020 and spring 2021 semesters, allows students who have already completed the CAFE Lab course to continue working on projects that advance industrial animal agriculture reform. P. Lehner. Students come to Yale Summer Session to take Yale College courses in New Haven, online, or abroad or to hone their craft at the Yale … The course will explore the historical and philosophical treatment of animals, discuss how such treatment impacts the way judges, politicians, lawyers, legal scholars and lay people see, speak about, and use animals; survey current animal protection laws and regulations, including overlap with such policy issues as food and agriculture, climate change, and biodiversity protection; describe recent political and legal campaigns to reform animal protection laws; examine the concept of "standing" and the problems of litigating on behalf of animals; discuss the current classification of animals as "property" and the impacts of that classification, and debate the merits and limitations of alternative classifications, such as the recognition of "legal rights" for animals. The Lab’s mission is to devise and propagate novel legal and policy strategies to compel industrial food producers to pay the currently uncounted, externalized costs of industrial agriculture for animals, workers, communities, and the environment. Permission of instructors required. Yale Summer Session provides academically rigorous and innovative undergraduate programs and courses to Yale and visiting students across platforms and around the world. Browse this catalog to find a course that piques your interest. Depending on the scope of their work, YLS students may be eligible to receive Substantial Paper or Supervised Analytical Writing credit. We start and end with climate change – its impact on agriculture and agriculture’s impact on climate – and address other impacts and statutes between. These courses include Environmental Law and Policy, Administrative Law, Health Law, Bioethics and Law, American Indian Law, Food and Drug Administration Law and Policy, The Regulations of Labor Relations, Immigration Law, Land Use, Property, and more. Stanford Law School reserves the right to change any part of the schedule at any time including (1) add or delete courses from its offerings; (2) change times, days, or locations of courses; (3) cancel for … Other resources: Course evaluations, Coker fellows, … Law School and School of Management Joint J.D.-Ph.D. in Finance Program (1) Course Requirements: SOM: Eight courses, including the following five required courses: Economics 500 (General Economic Theory: Microeconomics); Economics 501b (General Economic Theory: Microeconomics, which is the course … Offered by Yale University. As part of the course experience, students will work in small groups to conduct research and write a report on an underdeveloped topic concerning animals and climate change. The Doctor of the Science of Law (J.S.D.) Examples of courses offered currently or in recent years include: Research Topics in Animal CognitionThe Ecology of FoodThe Mind of a DogThe Evolution of BeautyHuman-Wildlife Conflict in AfricaMaking Climate KnowledgeAnimals in Modern American FictionAnimals in Indian ReligionsMultispecies WorldsGlobal Food Challenges: Environmental Politics & LawFood & DocumentaryAgriculture: Origins, Evolutionary, CrisesPrimate Behavior & EcologyTopics in Evolutionary TheoryGlobal Aspects of Food & NutritionConservation BiologyIchthyologyMammalogyOrnithologyComparative PhysiologyBiology of Terrestrial ArthropodsThe Nonhuman in Literature since 1800Animals in Literature & TheoryMultifunctional Carbon SequestrationWetlands EcologyNative American Religions & EcologySocial MovementsHuman-Animal Encounters, American Environmental HistoryMental Lives of Babies and AnimalsSpeaking for Others: Law & LiteratureBeing a PersonHistory of LifeBiological OceanographyWriting about Science, Medicine and the EnvironmentStudies in Sound and VoiceFood, Race & Migration in the U.S.Ecology, Economics & Politics of Species InvasionConservation in Practice: International PerspectivesToolkit for Conservation Project PlanningPests, Pathogens & ParasitesClimate Change & Societal CollapseEcological Urban DesignProblems in the History of ScienceAmerican Indian Law & PolicyPerspectives on Environmental InjusticesBioethics in NeuroscienceEvolution of Primate IntelligenceLarge-Scale ConservationTheories in Human UniquenessWilderness in North American ImaginationOther MindsLaw, Environment and ReligionAge of Extinction RiskAnimal EthicsThe Evolution of Morality, Yale Law, Ethics & Animals Speaker Series, Advanced Climate, Animal, Food, and Environmental Law and Policy Lab (Fall 2020 and Spring 2021), Climate, Animal, Food, and Environmental Law and Policy Lab (Spring 2021), Climate, Animal, Food, and Environmental Law & Policy Lab, Food Systems and Environmental Law (Spring 2021), Climate Change and Animal Law (Fall 2018). Also F&ES. In addition, agriculture now also produces about 10% of the nation’s vehicle fuel (mostly corn-based ethanol). The food system, from agricultural production to processing and distribution to consumption and waste, shapes our lives. program at Yale Law School. Each lecture is based on one or more common-law … Each year, members of the Yale Law School admissions team host and participate in a wide range of events to help prospective applicants learn more about Yale Law School and our unique application … In spring 2021, Earthjustice Managing Attorney Peter Lehner will teach Food Systems and Environmental Law. On the other hand, the increased industrialization, without the environmental safeguards applicable to other industries, has led to agriculture being a major source of environmental and health harm. In their first year, students take a mandatory two-term seminar on the foundations of legal scholarship, legal theory, and methods (or its equivalent) and as many as four additional courses. There is a tremendous amount of work being done across Yale University about what nonhuman animals think and feel, and the nature, complexity, and significance — ecologically, morally, legally and politically — of human-animal relationships. Free and for-credit Yale courses covering topics from game theory to modern poetry are available to undergraduates, graduate students, and the general public. The vast majority of our meat is produced in industrial-scale “concentrated animal feeding operations” that house thousands or even millions of animals producing more waste than many cities, yet without sewage treatment systems, and thus cause significant water and air pollution. Open Yale Courses provides free and open access to a selection of introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale University.The aim of the project is to expand access to educational materials for all who wish to learn. The CAFE Lab will provide a creative space for students to develop and launch new prototypes each year that will be shared in open source format with the express purpose of fostering imitation and adoption by a wide-ranging cross-section of nonprofit, government, and corporate leaders. Many high school sophomores and juniors (and their parents) want to know what courses to take to improve their chances for admission to Yale and other highly competitive colleges. Potential projects for the CAFE Lab include developing legislative, regulatory, and litigation prototypes to reduce suffering of factory farmed animals; stop physical abuse, labor violations, wage theft, and other methods of exploiting workers; require reporting and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from industrial agriculture; hold corporations accountable for self-declared deadlines for climate, labor, and animal welfare reforms; remove legal barriers to sustainable alternatives products; and challenge false “humane,” “sustainable,” “green,” “fair trade,” or “environmentally friendly” marketing claims. Less well known, but of equal or greater impact, the food system profoundly affects our environment, climate, and public health. Agriculture is responsible for about 10% of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions and the food system as a whole contributes a quarter to a third of total greenhouse gas emissions. Students may … Students enrolled in the Lab will work in small teams on initiatives to create a more equitable food system. Paper required. Artificial Intelligence & Robotics in Medicine, The Law and Policy of AI, Robotics, and Telemedicine in Health Care, Consumer Information (ABA Required Disclosures). Examples of research topics include questions and issues related to: (1) the impact of slave trade on Yale in 18th c.; (2) the Founders of Yale Law School and their practices and attitudes on slavery and race; (3) race at Yale Law School from 1824 (founding) to 1903 (end of term of first Dean of YLS); (4) the legacy of slavery at Yale. 2 units. This course takes the food one eats in a day and uses those to demonstrate the environmental impact of modern agriculture and the U.S. laws that attempt to reduce those harms. Since the 1970’s when most environmental laws were enacted, U.S. agriculture has grown increasingly concentrated and industrial. Enrollment limited to eighteen. The course will be organized partly as a traditional seminar and partly as a collective research endeavor to gather and analyze information on this significant and neglected topic. The Law School regularly offers an overview course on animal law and an experiential course dedicated to developing new legal strategies to address exploitative industrial practices that jointly impact animals and other social causes. In addition, the Law School periodically offers novel, specialized and timely animal law and policy courses and seminars, such as “Climate Change and Animal Law,” as well as a wide range of supporting experiential and academic classes. Whether preparing for a doctrinal course, writing a paper, completing independent research study, working for a clinic, or working as a research assistant, all students benefit from an understanding of efficient and effective legal research … Students may choose among dozens of courses in the School of Public Health, the School of Management, and Yale College on topics such as health policy, health care economics, hospital management, and epidemiology. The University offers courses on these topics in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences through Yale College, the School of Forestry & Environment Studies, the School of Public Health, the Divinity School, and more. Make international connections, learn about the American legal system and the legal English it requires.