Sentence Using Pervasive. High quality example sentences with “pervasive phenomenon” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. All-pervasive definition is - spread throughout and affecting all parts of something. 1 decade ago. Jeliace. In many cities, police corruption is a pervasive issue that touches all communities. High quality example sentences with “pervasive dissatisfaction” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. It's difficult to see pervasive in a sentence . I want to believe. Examples of how to use “pervasive developmental disorders” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs Use ‘pervasive’ in a sentence | ‘pervasive’ example sentences . Because people perceive beauty in different ways, one man’s rose is another man’s weed. Adam’s stance against their pervasive competition for victimhood also leads to a divide with his Shiite Syrian friend, YAMEN. pervasive in a sentence - Use "pervasive" in a sentence 1. There appears to be something more pervasive and frightening going on. definitions. What does pervasive mean? 0 0. Here are many translated example sentences containing "ARE PERVASIVE" - english-french translations and search engine for english translations. Anthony Liccione: I put all my words on paper. antonyms. Q: What does pervasive mean? 3. Synonyms for pervasive include common, extensive, general, inescapable, omnipresent, permeating, pervading, prevalent, rife and ubiquitous. This research showed that a zygonic approach could provide an intuitively persuasive metric for the fluctuating patterns of musical influence as they unfolded, event by event. Bullying is a serious and pervasive problem in our schools. There is a pervasive trend toward casual dress in businesses. 0 0. maniram . Traducir pervasive de Inglés a español. A: Penetrante, dominante, omnipresente, ubicuo technology in our day-to-day life has become pervasive.//la tecnología en nuestra vida cotidiana se ha vuelto omnipresente. Sentence Examples for pervasive. 2. Learn Ludwig. Pervasive developmental disorder definition is - autism spectrum disorder. synonyms. Learn Ludwig. Information and translations of pervasive in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Q: pervasive ne anlama geliyor? Example sentences for "pervasive" in popular movie and book plots. 161 sentence examples: 1. television's pervasive influence on our culture [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples — pervasively adverb — pervasiveness noun [noncount] Comments & Questions. The influence has been tremendous and pervasive and long-lasting. We were losing 35 to 0 at halftime and there was a pervasive sense of gloom in the locker room. Translate pervasive into Spanish. Definition of Perv. Check the meaning of pervasive. Pervasive definition: Something, especially something bad , that is pervasive is present or felt throughout a... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Examples of Perceive in a sentence. January 29, 2020 Sentence Dictionary. Need to translate "ARE PERVASIVE" from english and use correctly in a sentence? How to use pervasive in a sentence. How to use pervasive in a sentence is shown in this page. it means widespread, common, influential. Pervasive used in sentence example & words in English. All-pervasive definition: → another word for all-pervading | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples ‘Nevertheless, their influence is pervasive within the history of science.’ ‘They include globalisation, the spread of the Internet and the pervasive power of money.’ ‘It has become so pervasive that it influences how people write for the Web.’ ‘But it's the pervasive humour … Source(s): Racism is as pervasive today as it was in the 1950s; this is an example of the term in a sentence. Log in. 11 examples: There is the pervasive sense, as in the abstract art of the same period, of a… (open, save, copy) Pervasive means something that is unwelcome and widely spread. The definition of pervasive is something that has a tendency to spread. Pervasive means having the quality or tendency to pervade. Filter. 4. April 8, 2020 by admin Leave a Comment. 2- But the macho culture of many Latin American countries is pervasive here as well. Racism is as pervasive today as it was in the 1950s; this is an example of the term in a sentence. use "pervasive" in a sentence Violence and corruption are pervasive. About 2468 results found using 'PERVASIVE'. It supported the children to both understand the range of persuasive devices which could be used at sentence level and to begin conversations about creativity and flexibility. the pervasive nature of the problem. 1 … Delicately my life comes in and out with the flow of ink, thinking this is the reason for this. - Private Detective, or Operation Cooperation. (including pervade) The cancer is pervasive in your body The peoples echoes were pervasive in the lower chambers of the hall. pervasive = existing throughout something. The child abuse investigators say they found enough evidence of multiple child abuse situations, of what they called a pervasive pattern of child sexual abuse on that ranch, that they needed to get all of the children off, and that's what they've done -- Don. What does pervasive mean? Pervasive means something that is unwelcome and widely spread. Lv 4. Puzyrev vigorously initiates an investigation, but the pervasive reporter Pukhova constantly and unconsciously interferes with his course. Israel's insecurity w 40. A: Penetrante, dominante, omnipresente, ubicuo technology in our day-to-day life has become pervasive.//la tecnología en nuestra vida cotidiana se ha vuelto omnipresente. Comments & Questions. You are offline. 3- Applegate plays into the feel-good attitude that has been pervasive in the category. MRJ. So how can the government, without … So if ii said this would it make sense. Find more ways to say pervasive, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 1- 1) Vacation Without a Phone Technology has become way to pervasive these days. 0 0. Examples of Pervasive in a sen. pervasive in a sentence - 13 Lists. Source: 'Daily Use'. The pervasive list of example sentences with pervasive. Examples of pervasive in a Sentence. The Eisenhower years were notable for their pervasive … The tendency to dichotomize is stubbornly pervasive in human thought. Find more similar words at 4 years ago. It is all pervasive, the drugs, gangs and violence. Examples of pervasive sense in a sentence, how to use it. The mass of China lay before us, all - pervasive but invisible. The pervasive gloom at the beginning of the 1990s is gone. The Brotherhood's pervasive nostalgia grants the senior members the best scenes. Find words for pervasive in Spanish in this Spanish-English dictionary. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Pervasive. Im just wondering if i could use this in a sentence when it means spreading widely through or present everywhere in something. The meaning of "Pervasive" in various phrases and sentences. In many cities, police corruption is a pervasive issue that touches all communities.  . Filter. Another word for pervasive. Need to translate "PERVASIVE" from english and use correctly in a sentence? pervasive / examples. Sometimes I am so concerned about how others perceive me that I do not always listen to my own voice. pervasive in a sentence. How to use all-pervasive in a sentence. Here are many translated example sentences containing "PERVASIVE" - english-spanish … IT in English Search Usages Definitions Synonyms Translations Pronunciations Images Toggle filters. How to use pervasive developmental disorder in a sentence. The term pervasive developmental disorders was first used in the 1980s to describe a class of neurological disorders that involved impaired social and communication skills and repetitive behaviors. What made you want to look up pervasive? The definition of Pervasive is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. Example sentence: The pervasive odor of garlic makes me sick all the time. 2. In today's economy, creativity is pervasive and ongoing. You are offline. The meaning of "Pervasive" in various phrases and sentences. 0 Childhood disintegrative disorder is extremely rare, relative to the other pervasive developmental disorders. It is becoming clear that natural rearrangements of DNA and horizontal gene transfer play a pervasive role in natural evolution. pervades = is spread throughout. capable of affecting or influencing every. It is a country where corruption pervades their government at every level. used in a sentence (click/touch triangles for details) Definition existing throughout something; or generally widespread . Include any comments and questions you have about this word. Sentence with the word pervasive. The media’s pervasive coverage of the epidemic has most of the country living in fear. . Warren’s racist father will perceive a person as dangerous for no reason other than skin color.

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